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#181102 Watch out United, we're coming for you...
Brilliant thanks man, Cant wait to see more from this story.
#181035 Watch out United, we're coming for you...
Fantastic and gripping story mate. Well done on staying up on the last day bud.
Just wondered what Logos you use and how you got all the non league badges too?
Also, is it the EEE' database of the steam store?
I am really interested in starting a similar career.
Thanks in advance.
#180860 Laptop Freezes when switching apps.
It does it when I'm out of the game and try to return to FM. I'm really new to this windows 8 malarky.
#180841 Laptop Freezes when switching apps.
I've been using this site for a long long time but never really thought about posting... UNTIL NOW.
I have recently purchased a new laptop and obviously the first thing I did was install FM
On my old laptop I used to play FM windowed but on the new laptop I've just been playing it full screen and rather like it. Only problem is, when I press the windows key to switch apps to use the internet or what not it often freezes my whole laptop. Could anyone tell me if this is common, a problem with windowed or something to do with windows 8??
Help please because this is getting rather frustrating.
Thanks in advance.