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#679525 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Michael Rodriguez
FIXED on gamepass.
If you click on ‘manage’ as opposed to enable mods, you can enable an advanced folder management feature which allows you to move the location of said folders above (I put them in my standard Sports Interactive folder, not within FM22 itself). From here I was able to edit the files, delete and put the new ones in etc. Worked a treat.
#679522 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Michael Rodriguez
It would appear so anyway - I can no longer ‘enable mods’ from the dropdown, doesn't mention mods at all.. and when I try to access the folders in the file explorer, I'm apparently not allowed/able to delete anything - Inc, DBC, etc. Almost as if they have encrypted it.
I have asked on both the forum and twitter, as soon as I mention the word ‘Licence' it appears I get ignored! Haha.
Ah well, fingers crossed for 23.
#679507 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Michael Rodriguez
Why have SI taken away the ability to use/edit mods on gamepass?