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#409568 Atlantic League System for FM18
Billy Turton
#408889 Atlantic League System for FM18
Billy Turton
- Eastern (8): Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Romania, Bulgaria
- Central (9): Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia
Have you started on any of these databases?
#408573 Atlantic League System for FM18
Billy Turton
Top two tiers were 16 teams consisting all Nations. £ and 4 were split 6 Scandinavian and the other 6.
Tiers 5 and 6 were the National Leagues with Tier 7 was unplayable but still had promotion.
There was no Euro qualification but I was adding an Intercontinental cup of sorts.
I was also going to take the 12 nations out of fifa and have them play in there own 2 year league but never got round to giving this some serious thought.
#408568 Atlantic League System for FM18
Billy Turton
If i get it to work I will upload it for you to try.
#408563 Atlantic League System for FM18
Billy Turton
I have given this a thorough play through. Excellent idea. I made some custom database changes (but none to the structure).
I am currently running a simulated game which is in season 2109. I have had no crashes.
I started a similair update myself but could never find the time to complete it.