Enes Kırar - Comments

#580161 Germany U18 Improvements Mixpack
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago
Please use Google Translate to post in English instead; this is an English language forum after all.

I'm uploading it as a one-off favour. If you want to get more cut-outs, either use the cut-out search tool or just download the megapack.

I was in such a hurry, I couldn't translate the language, I'm sorry, how am I going to cut-out?
#580034 Germany U18 Improvements Mixpack
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago
These are all part of the megapack, so no real need to download them separately.

Bana tek tek lazım ama. (Pls use Turkish translate)
#579967 Germany U18 Improvements Mixpack
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago
Do you have any current files? Link is corrupt
#579951 Berkay Demir
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago
I've actually already replied to your PM with an answer to this 🙂

Oh, I'm sorry, then it's worse 😢 And that's true of the face I made for Muzaffer Dogan?
#579947 Berkay Demir
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago
Please read what I said again because I don't think you understood it.

Are you saying that this is worse than this??

Because if so, then I don't think you know what you're talking about 😕

And please read the thread I linked you to on how to find the best possible sources. If I use Google Images to find a much better source inside 5 seconds, then so can you 😕

My English isn't very good, so first of all, I'm sorry. I think I understand what you're saying. I think the football player's picture is neat and suitable for the game. Can you please tell me again why the "End" picture was rejected?
#579938 Muzaffer Doğan
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago
I think what I'm doing is better. Why would you refuse?
#579933 Berkay Demir
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago

I think what I did last time was better than what you did, of course it's your decision.
#579932 Berkay Demir
Enes Kırar
7 years ago
3 years ago
@Enes Kırar if an image isn't ready to be included into the game (i.e. a png in 180x180 or 250x250 dimensions), then it's a source image and to be requested as such.

Secondly, the source you posted wasn't the best and wouldn't result in a very good cut-out. The source I found took me 5 seconds using Google Images and is much better. Have a look at this thread for some more tips on how to find the best possible sources for your requests and use your time and our cutters' time in the most productive manner 👍