Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes - Comments

#558177 Extra Files(Promotions,Relegations, European Changes,Club Finances) FM20
Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
6 years ago
2 years ago
How about Macclesfield? The club has been wound up, you want to remove it from the English extra file?
#554581 Extra Files(Promotions,Relegations, European Changes,Club Finances) FM20
Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
6 years ago
2 years ago
I have a question, what´s the correct starting date for the extra files? Because in some leagues there are some problems like duplicated titles when the game starts at 2019, but starting at 2020, the promoted teams play through the 2019-2020 season and in most cases became relegated, so, the database become mixed up. What´s recommended?
#514954 Bruno Guimarães
#509704 Gilberto
Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
6 years ago
2 years ago
Wrong Fluminense
#486978 What happened with FM17 and FM18 data updates?
Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
6 years ago
2 years ago
What happened with FM17 and FM18 data updates? They've been erased?
#486349 Miguel Trauco
#486315 Felipe Vizeu
Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
6 years ago
2 years ago
Vizeu needs to be tranfered to Udinese and loaned to Grêmio to the owner of him be changed from Flamengo to Udinese in FM18. (Sorry for my poor english)
#481814 Rodolfo
Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
6 years ago
2 years ago
He has been suspended by dopping, but his contract still active
#463781 Thiago
Gabriel Almeida Sales Moraes
6 years ago
2 years ago
Empréstimo cancelado por divergência nas cláusulas