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#414473 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
After starting from scratch 3 or 4 times and carefully going through all required steps I am still unable to get the pack to be applied in game.
Judging by another user having the exact same problem I think it is safe to deduce that it is not myself making an error in the setup process, therefore I feel I am entitled to ask for a refund as I bought the membership upon the promise that I would have access to this.
I understand you have tried helping me and it is not your fault, but it is unacceptable that I have not received what I payed for.
#410954 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
My bad, I had always opened the folder then exited pretty quickly, it was only when I had the folder open whilst taking pic did I realise there was some time for the loading of the pics inside, so here are the screenshots of inside the faces/iconfaces folders.
The faces folder is 9.77GB for 193,848 items, whereas the iconfaces folder is 286.8MB for the same no. of items.
#410914 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
My issue is that no faces are showing up in game.
Inside the kits and logos folders I actually see lots of little images of various kits/logos (and these are successfully applied in game), whereas when I open both the faces and iconfaces folders located in the sortitoutsi folder it is just white/blank as if there is nothing in there. I just presumed this was because there is so many items as when I have nothing but the 'sortitoutsi' folder on my external, a large amount of space is used so the data is in there somewhere?
#410815 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
Hopefully I've got everything, (note that on my first attempt last week I deleted the two additional files in the sortitoutsi folder that appears after extraction, but as it didnt work I have left them there this time around, don't know if this has any effect).
#410776 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
Hi, this is my text in the user data folder:
--user_data_location="</Users/Zak/NO NAME/fm18>"
'NO NAME' is the name of my external. Does this seem right? I took screenshots but it seems I have to make a online account to upload and get URLs for them to post here.
#408785 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
Okay so I went to the link and changed my user data folder, following the steps to a T yet when I load FM all the sub folders are not created like it says in the post you linked. I hope this is because I have not done "and as also indicated in the OP?" because I don't know the acronym as 'original post(er)' doesn't fit. I hope this is the only problem left now, please explain
Thanks a lot.
#408527 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
Firstly thankyou for your help. So I uninstalled everything and tried again, and got to ~150,000 items before my computer ran out of space. Subsequently I bought an external hard drive online (hence the delay) and after successfully downloading the ~190,000 items I realised that I could not get the data on the external to be applied in-game.
I would like to request that You may be able to assist me and get this to work, or if not possible like I suspect, you will be able to issue me a refund, because the files took between 25 and 30 GBs of space, now this on top of the 9GB already downloaded and as advertised I don't think is unreasonable to be annoyed that even when having 4x the advertised space, it still is not enough.
#407860 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz
a) 13,255 in faces and 397 in iconfaces
b) It was the 9GB one (9.07 i think) and I used The Unarchiver for extraction.
c) I can if needed but there is no change, just the standard black silhoettes
#407797 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
led wonsaz