Yanneux Activity
hey I was just wondering if for big collars like this you guys prefer it when its cut done like this? Or does it not matter
Great work 😀
the most recent cut is more than fine but I was just wondering if there's a tool that would help bring back Koné's left ear lobe since Marseille somehow botched the transparent background lol
the Hashtag player is definitely 23 altough ive found some other hashtag players that arent the right age for example Alex Teniola is 30 irl and not 26 like the game says so its all really confusing
I really can't tell if these are the same two people.. But I know for a fact that the one I just uploaded is the Hashtag player.
I'm sorry but considering the background is already transparent this is a 30 second process, so it clearly wasn't “in progress”. If you don't want help catching up with the 4000 requests you guys have just let me know and I'll do the cuts for my personal...
@mons this is a bit random but I remember I saw a link to make transfermarkt images bigger somewhere in here but i dont know how to find it, do you know the link itself or where to find it so i can bookmark it? thank you
im not really sure what happened with the hair and how to fix it
@mons what tool should i use for the brightness
dont know if this would work
im pretty sure this is Marco Carducci
im doing the photoshop free trial and tried doing the clone stamp thingy for the first time, please let me know what i couldve done better
not sure which one is better tbh
sorry about the spam but i noticed i bit of snow and i also made it more straight, see im learning
bit newer but idk if its better tbh
RIP La Grinta
does this work for every link or no?
its because i didnt really care tbh, i was happy with the cuts ingame so I never tried to improve them. Anyways, I get to the tool but i dont understand how to use it, like what and how do i copy its just confusing to me.
i already put it through remove.bg because thats the site i use for every cut and as much as i am trying to understand how the tool in the video works, i just dont get it
Really??? a player with NO previous images and no visible snow ingame and you reject it? I do this for free, so unfortunately I wont be buying photoshop for 28$ a month just so i can edit out minimal snow that 1% of your user base cares about, Your rules...