Baja Activity
I really don't know how to thank you for all these cuts @P-Jo 🍻
Many tnx for fantastic work @RT7 👏
Since when?! I haven't been for a year around here,only from time to time with some requests,but that was not the case.All my requests are completaly by the rules,so you might not like them but it's only your problem.You can't reject them just because of...
You've must be really bored to go around my requests and reject them.This is more than personal issue.You have a bunch of crap requests,but no,these are the problem.At first there's no criterium to reject missing request,as long it's missing and image is...
Fantastic cuts @12345cieza ,thank you very much mate 👏
Perfect one @mons ,thank you very much for it! 😀
To be honest I don't see any real issue,especially at final cuts.Ofc,I mostly tryin' to use original photos,but in the case when I don't have an alternative (mostly missing ones) I'll have to use it.
Only these with size 1000x1000 size,since they were in official Superliga site,they were 500x500,but less quality and crisp.
This is not their stadium,this is stadium of FK Hajduk Lion.My junior school is in front of this building,and my work is behind the stadium. Correct image of FK Zvezdara stadium is:
@krissmed where's a completed version from my source?
@P-Jo here's a bit bigger source.
@P-Jo wait a minut to send you a bigger/better source.
@RT7 and @P-Jo , you two left me speechless ! 😀 Amazing,quality and fast work…Thank you very much lads! Really don't know how to thank for all these cuts. 👍 👏
The one in the dark shirt.
Thank you bro! 😀 After working on official database,logos,now I'm starting collecting images for cuts and starting my kits project.Too much work.Glad you're still here 😀
Here are logos (new/correct/updated) for clubs from Serbia,Montenegro,Macedonia,Croatia,Slovenia and Kosovo.
This is correct image for Milan Bajić wich will be requested as part of Red Star teampack in the near future.
Bram,why are you posting these fake UIDs.?
@mons I just wanted to remind you to remove all club names fix for clubs in Serbia,Slovenia and Montenegro.
Fast and amazing work @mons 😀
@RT7 Thank you for such a quality work mate! 👏
Thank you for such a top work @mons ! 😀
Thank you for amazing cuts @Ernesttico ! 😀
@RT7 many tnx for great cut! 😀
@bakizp @mons Put back previous image for this guy,since current face is not correct. Current face is Nikola Jojić 2000166113.
Tnx for great cuts @rekooner2 ! 😀
Many tnx for great cut @RT7 😀
Mate,I'm having a trouble with downloading latest updates.When I click on download,I'm getting this.
I understand your point of view,even I don't support that,but it's fine…and he is not active,because his current club don't exist in db.
Top work @Ernesttico ,thank you bro! 😀
Sorry,thank you @mons for all these cuts. 👏
Many tnx @Sajzik. ! 😀
Thank you very much @BramNUFC ! 😀
And again thank you very much @mons ! 😀
Many tnx for great cuts @julkjulk 👍
Tnx for fantastic cuts @RT7 👏 👏 👏
Thank you @mons for all my requests you've done recently! You are heart and soul of this…thank you 😀 And especially thank you for this one,since Đole is my friend and I've took the photo while I was at my workplace 😛
@mons @bakizp Two our researchers messed up this guy this year,and now it's finally sorted out.On this UID should be Mihajlo Madžarević. And official UID for Vojin Serafimović is 2000176875. Mons,as a researcher you're able to check and co...
Don't get me wrong,but I'm not asking any special treat.I'm here long enough to know how everything works.I never cared if some cut is needed for current game or some of previous.As long they are in official database,they deserve cuts.For me is the smalle...
I was planing to do that during summer,since right now I simply don't have enough time.I've took a large project in db to sort all 3rd level and lower teams,as a part of official game.And yes I'm the only one who is doing that.Probably in this moment I'm...
Top work @mons …Thank you very much for all amazing work 👏 👏 👏
And more great work from @BramNUFC ,many tnx mate,great work! 😀
Many tnx for these cuts @P-Jo ,top work mate 👏
Thank you for great cuts @julkjulk 👏
I haven't been here for a while,since I'm too busy with db and research,but I have to thank you for some great cuts @BramNUFC 👏
They are all in default db,they are just nfe.Also,there's a lot people who are playing previous versions of the game,so they are active there.As long they are in db,they deserve cuts.I've got a reason obviously why I've made them.Is not like they are high...
Great work with Timok teampack @t.marinov ,thank you very much! 😀
Fast and fantastic work,many tnx for them @Ronaldo Fenômeno !
Top work cuts @mons ,thank you very much for all of them! 😀
@jesselingardinho8479 remove -356x356 part from url of images and you'll get them in full resolution.