Bissau-Guinean clubs with best young players in FM20
Best youth facilities in Guinea-Bissau in FM2020
Best youth academies in Guinea-Bissau in FM 20
The best young players from Guinea-Bissau in FM 20
Get the best Bissau-Guinean Players with our shortlists of the Best Young Cheap FM20 Wonderkids from Guinea-Bissau in Football Manager 20. Looking for bargain Bissau-Guinean Football Manager 2020 Wonderkids? Check out our list of the best FM 2020 Wonderkids from Guinea-Bissau which includes all the best wonderkids and cheap wonderkids in Football Manager 2020.
What is a Wonderkid? A Wonderkid is a player aged under 21 is has a high potential ability. With the right training and game time they'll become one of the best Bissau-Guinean players in Football Manager 2020. Below you'll find a list of all the best young Bissau-Guinean players in FM 2020 as well as a separate list of the bargain Bissau-Guinean wonderkids in Football Manager 20.
These are the best Bissau-Guinean wonderkids you can find in Football Manager 20. Some of them will be very expensive and already be world class players in Football Manager 20. If you're looking for a bargain check out the cheap FM 20 Bissau-Guinean Wonderkids below.
Name | Age | Position | Wage | Value | Cost | Expires | Rating | Potential | |
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Maudo | 21 | D C | £2k | £484k | £5m | 30-06-2023 |
If you're not managing a big team with alot of money to spend you probably won't be able to afford lots of the Bissau-Guinean wonderkids on the above list. That's why we've also made this list of cheap bargain wonderkids from Guinea-Bissau for when you're on a budget and need discounted Bissau-Guinean wonderkids at a low price.
These are affordable FM20 Wonderkids from Guinea-Bissau at a cheap price. If you're on a budget then you're going to want to use our Cheap Bissau-Guinean FM2020 Wonderkids Shortlist instead.
Name | Age | Position | Wage | Value | Cost | Expires | Rating | Potential | |
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Maudo | 21 | D C | £2k | £484k | £5m | 30-06-2023 |