Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
Giroud has been a bigger prat imo.

Kicked some one in the face, then acted like a smug prick.

Honestly haven't seen that, source?
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
14 years ago
21 hours ago
Honestly haven't seen that, source?

It was a complete accident.
14 years ago
21 hours ago
16 years ago
4 years ago
Suarez is an absolute idiot. But yeah not that I will give a fuck when he's scoring for us next year \o/

Very much doubt he'll miss any of this world cup to be fair, even if they ban him there will be all that appeal crap which wont be till after the World Cup.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I thought Suarez had stopped being a total cunt and he does this...again. If doing it twice before hasn't made him want to change his ways, then I hope he gets a huge ban that carries over into club football. Also I hope he fucks off to Spain or wherever so we don't have to see him on our tv screens. Animal.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Also Chiellini clearly runs into his teeth.
14 years ago
21 hours ago
Suarez is an absolute idiot. But yeah not that I will give a fuck when he's scoring for us next year \o/

Very much doubt he'll miss any of this world cup to be fair, even if they ban him there will be all that appeal crap which wont be till after the World Cup.

Doubt he'll see much of the season.
15 years ago
4 months ago
16 years ago
4 years ago
Doubt he'll see much of the season.

You know what FIFA are like
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
An Aussie recalls meeting Suarez.

18 years ago
1 month ago
Liverpool fans are the football version of Beliebers
13 years ago
2 months ago
Number 1
17 years ago
1 year ago
He's also had similar messages from Pizza Hut, Domino's and the Uruguayan McDonald's Twitter.

He's a total berk though. If he wants to be known for more than biting, why the fuck does he keep doing it?
15 years ago
7 years ago
And Snickers

The Uruguay camps reaction has been appalling, delusion and denial they're making the T-Shirts look amatuer.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
No doubt Liverpool will do fuck all. Most morally bankrupt club in the World. Two biting incidents and racist remarks yet they defend him at all costs; astonishing.
16 years ago
6 years ago
99% of clubs would have stood by him and the other 1% are lying.

Clubs are going to stick by a player who is worth the hassle.

Man Utd and Chelsea stood by Ferdinand and Terry for racist remarks. Man City stood by violence by Barton. Newcastle signed a player on bail for rape charges. Probably all clubs have stood by a player at some point.
18 years ago
1 month ago
I think most clubs in the world would take Suarez on a free transfer too.

Actually I'll change that to every club.
15 years ago
7 years ago

Last year.

Fucking hell....
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
99% of clubs would have stood by him and the other 1% are lying.

Clubs are going to stick by a player who is worth the hassle.

Man Utd and Chelsea stood by Ferdinand and Terry for racist remarks. Man City stood by violence by Barton. Newcastle signed a player on bail for rape charges. Probably all clubs have stood by a player at some point.

Tbf we kept Jacky boy after his coke antics. I would take Suarez, but surely Liverpool have to do something. Dalglish acted like a complete and utter cunt (quelle surprise) after the Evra incident and Suarez got away seemingly scott-free from his club after the bite. There's a line to where you can defend someone until. If Luis has bit people THREE times then surely he's a liability and always prone to doing it again.

He hasn't learnt his lesson, he never will. The guys a fucking nutjob and it's getting to the point where players might actually be scared of being chewed on by a Uruguayan retard.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Better angle of the bite:
18 years ago
1 month ago
I don't think Liverpool should punish a player for something he done for Uruguay.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
They'll probably bring out a Liverpool branded gum shield
16 years ago
2 years ago
Better angle of the bite:

He's fucked.

I'd be surprised if he doesn't get absolutely battered with a huge ban.
14 years ago
8 years ago

He's a clown for biting again but those marks are nothing. Soccer players need to stop acting like babies all the time. Such drama queens. Why not just adapt the same rules as Basketball and make it illegal to touch anyone
13 years ago
1 year ago
He's a clown for biting again but those marks are nothing. Soccer players need to stop acting like babies all the time. Such drama queens. Why not just adapt the same rules as Basketball and make it illegal to touch anyone

"Those marks are nothing".

That honestly has to be one of the most moronic statements to make. Last I checked, football didn't contain biting players, so irrespective of what the marks look like, they exist, Chiellini was bitten and should be banned appropriately. More so when he's been a repeat offender.

Global ban for a good 12 months minimum would be a good starting place.
13 years ago
1 year ago
He's a clown for biting again but those marks are nothing. Soccer players need to stop acting like babies all the time. Such drama queens. Why not just adapt the same rules as Basketball and make it illegal to touch anyone

"Those marks are nothing"

So you condone biting an opposing player to gain an edge in professional sports? Biting? Physical, unwarranted harm?

Dude, you're mental.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
He's a clown for biting again but those marks are nothing. Soccer players need to stop acting like babies all the time. Such drama queens. Why not just adapt the same rules as Basketball and make it illegal to touch anyone

Aaaaaaand you're an idiot.
16 years ago
3 months ago
...don't even have to look at Sears' profile to see who he supports.
16 years ago
4 years ago
I thought Rodgers handled Suarez well last summer myself.

Also claims of 12 month bans are ridiculous. Ill bet my right bollock not much will come out of this

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