Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 428,855
- 2025.02 - Released on 20 Nov 2024
![Metallic Logos Pack](
But regardless of that right now I did upload Update 12 for FM17 which is also FM18 update .00 so if you don't have FM18 just replace the 18 with a 17 in your file unzip window then point the file at your Sports Interactive folder and it will do the rest.
Another 1000+ logos, a bit delayed due to a HD failure while i was away on a break - big thanks again to Schweigi for all his efforts and co-operation on this and all this year really, we've got an awful lot done between us. big thanks as well to everyone who has posted logos up or sent them in, it's really great to have this kind of community co-operation as it just means more content for everyone which is always a good thing. Keeps me busy and out of mischief too
Some examples of the new pack
Next milestone will be the 50,000 Club mark which won't be long - come a long way from the 8,000 we started with.
Also, @azriubuntu73 I would imagine the pack would be only around 3 GB without the main folder so you may not have the full download which sound right at around 5.1 GB.
they all have new id's which I will add next update
Cheers. Did you get the new logos I posted a page or so back?
kremmen adds logos strictly in the chronological order they were posted and he has a bit of a backlog seeing all the logos posted, so if yours was only posted in the past days, I very much doubt it...
I’m just asking whether he received them not whether they will have been made yet
Fair enough, but I can tell you now @kremmen rarely misses a beat, and I'd be extremely surprised if he hadn't saved them already
Tried 3 times now and I can't seem to unpack it.
My computer has been acting up lately so maybe it's just me, but thought I'd mention it and see if this is happening to anyone else here.
Yep, i got em don't worry
Yes, whats this file for and where does it go?
I downloaded all the parts of the megapack, unzipped and put it in the FM18 graphics folder as showed on the video. All of the small club icons (such as in the league table) are there, but none of the larger ones are showing up.
Do you guys have clue on why that is? All the different parts has seperate folders inside the graphics folder, is that part of the issue or..?
Thank you in advance
+1 I noticed it wasn't added too.
There is also Shabab Al Ahli (23418694) from the top UAE division missing as well as Al Duhail (23404990) from top Qatari division (
In which pack has been updated the logo for ITALY SERIE C?
I want everything free & up-to-date, not just this pack.
Chris Georgiadis
Hi mate,
You'll find this a friendly and helpful forum, so I'm sure you'll get the help you need. Guess the first few questions are:
1. Have you extracted / unzipped the download (sorry to ask this, but not sure of your level of computer literacy).
2. Once extracted, have you manually moved any of the folders around, deleted any of the files in the extract or renamed anything?
3. Can you please quote the full file path to your extracted logos.
Chris Georgiadis
Thanks for the quick response!
1-Yes, I downloaded and extracted the files
2-Yes, I have. I have had such a problem with it at this point that I can't even remember everything I tried.
3-So there are two relevant file locations, I am not sure why.
-C:\Users\chris\OneDrive\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\Logos
-This is where I put the pack, but the game itself is here:
-C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2018
I think that is what it said to do
Other than that, superb work with the pack as always!
Hi mate, sorry for not replying sooner - been working away for a couple of days and I didn't take my lappy with me.
The game is installed in the right place, but the logos are not. They will not work if they are in your One Drive.They should work if you move them to:
-C:\Users\chris\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\Logos
They will work fine in that location (or anywhere inside the graphics directory) but you would be better off if you put them is this location:
-C:\Users\chris\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\pictures\logos\metallic logos
as you will save yourself a lot of bother when you download any updates to the pack
If you move them to either location as above, then they should work, but there is also a setting in the game that may be stopping them.
Start the game and then click on the FM button (options) and select "Preferences" then "More Interface Settings" look under "Appearance" and make sure that "Use caching to decrease page loading times" is not ticked (you may need to scroll down to see this) - if it is simply click the tick to remove.
Make sure that "Reload skin when confirming changes" IS ticked
Click "Confirm" - your skin will reload (may take a while) and then return to the game and you should be able to see the badges.
NB Caching basically stores a copy of the graphics in the game "memory", so instead of loading them from the directory whenever you start a game they are already loaded. Game starts a bit faster that way, but with it enabled any changes you make will not show.
Hope this helps. If you are still having trouble please let me know and I'll see what else I can do.
Chris Georgiadis
NP, I appreciate your help so much!
The game is installed in the right place, but the logos are not. They will not work if they are in your One Drive.They should work if you move them to:
-C:\Users\chris\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\Logos
I don't have a Sports Interactive file in documents. Should I create one? (Sorry i could not figure out how to quote that part of your post)
Yes you can manually create the folders if nèeds be (although I thought the game did it automatically when you save a game - presume you have got a save going??).