Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 489,095
- 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025
![Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack](
Scroll to the bottom of this page until you come to the torrent tabs and download the 10.0 version. To be fully up-to-date, you would still have to download any subsequent update packs separately
I have download every single pack since version 9.00 but now i'm confused whether i can use these versions 10.00 for fm 17.
thank you in advance!
Yes, you can
You may have some extra cut-outs which can't appear as the person they represent in the database aren't there yet, but other than that the newer versions of the megapack will work with older version of FM, no problem
Thank you very much for clearing my doubts and for your reply.
It contains 2,538 new and improved cut-outs and takes the MP head count to 198,386.
Thanks as always to all the contributors, especially our few but nonetheless excellent cutters who keep us inching inexorably towards the 200k mark
Barry Hulshoff
excellent work
Toby Carswell
You can either use the FM database search tool on this site, or you can find it in-game by opening your preferences, going to the interface sectio and ticking "show screen Id's in title bar to assist skinning"
Would it be possible to have a link to the latest config-file in the download section? There has been a couple of users who haven't had their cuts shown due to faulty config-files lately
I'm a bit wary of that as it may confuse a much bigger number of users. Why is it there? What do you need it for? Why is it there if you already have it in the update pack? And questions to that effect.
And after all, if one wants the latest config file, all they really need to do is downloaded the latest update pack and take it from there
thank you for your reply. do you hace a link?
There you go.
In the next couple of days
Antonio Diaz ID:28110723
Ashley Pope ID: 28110727
They both begin the game at Bournemouth
This face belongs to Diaz
Great spot
Thankfully, the right face was cut in this pack and I'll now fix it for the next update pack which should be out in the next day or so; you posted just in time
What are the odds?!!?
It includes 3,094 missing and improved images, and takes the megapack head-count to over 200,000 cuts, 200,031 to be precise. I'd like to thank all the cutters and requesters for their sterling work throughout the years in reaching this milestone; it quite simply wouldn't be possible without them.
As part of our ongoing commitment to continue the cut-out megapack's progress while maintaining the highest quality possible, a discussion is underway here on the possibility of increasing the cut-out size from 180x180 pixels to 250x250 pixels. The current proposal as to the possible way forward can be found in this post. There are already some cuts in 250x250 within 10.05 and, whether the decision to continue down this line is confirmed or not, it is our intention to continue delivering the highest quality output within the cut-out megapack for the benefit of the whole FM community in the coming weeks, months and hopefully years.
I appreciate help.
Thank you!!!