sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs
The Backgrounds Megapack was originally made up of aerial shots of stadiums taken from Google Maps and Google Earth, but is now also containing Competitions, Player and Fan Backgrounds, as well as beautiful City Images.
- 94,242
- 2025.03 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

this megapack works fine for using Flut Skin 9.0 and without background picture ( i switch to black or grey backgrounf picture)
= but use these background megapack for the fields for citypics and stadium pics.
or did we use for citypics and stadium pics (inside/outside) other Files and the background megapack 100% not works for that?
Thanks for help.
I'm not completely sure about the question 🤷♂️, but yes this megapack will show in the boxes in flut skin (citypics. stadium inside and stadium outside) 👍
Thanks, that was my Question: disable Backgrounds, but in the boxes in flut skin (citypics. stadium inside and stadium outside)
Where can i find the torrent?
Download torrent HERE
Also read THIS
Hi at all i want to download the update 2021.04 but the downloadspeed is so slow and after some minutes it breaks up. Is it possible to reupload?
Day Tripper
Hi, I'm using Flut Dark Skin v11 and have some questions about the backgrounds for National teams. The national team overview screen has the country's flag as the background, is that correct?
Also, for countries that have various national stadiums (not just one) there is just a generic stadium image with ‘coming soon’ on it - is that correct too?
Try downloading it using Google Chrome incognito. If there are any extensions throttling your download speed they won't be active in incognito mode and you should be able to resume the download if it's interrupted using Google Chrome. Download speed is fine here, I have to say, and I usually have an absolutely terrible connection…
Thanks for your help , but it changes nothing i have a 300 MB downloadspeed and need for this 2 hours and after some minutes it breaks up icognito mode not helps.
Yes, in both cases it's how it is suppose to look 👍
I have no idea of why this is happening to you 🤷♂️, It is a relativ small file and for me it download with out problems in two minutes with chrome.
I know that you create this file and of course you create it according to your preferences. But for the competitions and the national team I would prefer to keep the great (old) pictures (see screenshot). Do you think you could always offer the alternatives? If not, it's okay too. Your file is great and I still use it. Is just a little question. 🙂
I really appreciate your feed back. But as you mentions, it is impossible to keep everybody happy, so we try to make changes based on how many comments we get. This is a relativ new project and the last 6-8 month has seen a lot of changes to this project, all with the purpose to make it better. We also have to keep in mind if this is practical in regards to size and other technical stuff in relation to the site. This is partial why the “team_backgrounds” were excluded from the pack. The changes to the competitions and nations background won't be changed back. I recommend you to copy all the nations and competitions backgrounds that you like to another folder and then when you have applied all the recent updates, then just copy them back in to the pack (over write the ones in the pack) 👍
@Qvordrup : Thanks for information. You are absolutly right and i will do it like you said. Thanks for the genial backgrounds. Have a nice day and don´t get ill.
Tizio Caio
Hi @Qvordrup, i download the megapack and all the update. I have a question.
I like to see the stadium inside and the city pic when i open the team info and also the google earth stadium pic when i open the stadium info.
But i dont like to have any pics of stadium or city in background.
I mean, i want this situation:
Here there are all the pics (stadium inside, google earth stadium, city) but the background is blue/no pics.
How can i have the same?
Thx for your help!
I use “flut skin” and I think many other skins have the same function. In the upper right corner there is a box “BS” that you can push and then play around with how the background should look.
Tizio Caio
Yeah it work, thanks!
How do i make the backgrounds full screen?
This is what I see currently
Hi Qvordrup,
I kindly want to know what I need to do to download the competition backgrounds file or files (not with the trophees but only with the competitions badges).
Is it possible? I do not want to download everything just the competitions backgrounds.
If you can help…
Many thanks and keep going with your amazing work
This is how the backgrounds display in the default skin. You have to find a skin that supports full background. I personally use flut skin :
Well yes and no. You can download and use the torrent version of the competitions backgrounds that is not updated with the trophies backgrounds. But the competitions backgrounds are not updated anymore if a high quality trophy background is pressent.
Just only extract the “competitions_backgrounds” from the torrent and use this little app to make a config for the competitions backgrounds only:
I have this path for pack:
E:\FM 18\graphics\pictures\sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack
And In fm I can't see new backgrounds. I have off buffor for skin. My other graphics addon's work fine. I use Flut skin.
Hi! I have a question .... does the pack contain images of cities and stadiums? How do I install the general pack and the updates? Sorry for the inconvenience Thank you!
Well usually the path looks different. Have you moved your path? Otherwise I need a screenshot of your megapack folder. Dos it have a config file in it?
Yes to cities and stadiums.
You can download the pack from here:
Then just put it in your graphics folder : C:\…..\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics
When new updates are released you just copy the update over your existing folder and say yes to all overwrites (it is very important that the config is updated)
Thanks! Do they work only with flut skin? How is the image of the panoramic stadium seen and also from inside?
No they work with all skins, but some skins don't support backgrounds just like the default one. Flut skin is the absolutely best skin IMO 😀. The panoramic (stadiumbackgrounds) pictures show as backgrounds for squad overview and in the stadium overview, and in the stadium box on club overview. The city pictures show as background for club overview and in the city box on club overview. The small stadium pictures (stadium_inside) show in the stadium box in club overview (if you wait they switch between the two stadium views), and in the stadium overview, and a bunch of other places depending on what skin you use. bottom line is that if you use flut skin and this background pack you get a great improvement IMO 👍, So all I can say is try it and see how it works 😀
where can i flutskin? Thank you!
Here :
sorry for my inconvenience which of the two files should I download?