Extract the 7z file (you may need winrar or 7zip) into your skins folder (this should be Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2013/skins).

If you don't have a skins folder, just create it, and make sure the steklo_x3 and steklo_x3fmc folder inside the 7z file is placed directly inside the skins folder, and not a subfolder of it.

If you've got a previous version, go back to the default skin, then delete the old steklo_x3 folders before installing the new version


Go this post and download the mod.
11 years ago
9 years ago
By hygorct | Permalink | On 03 June 2013 - 02:48 AM
witch 7z file?

i'm a n00b

There's a bit that says "This comment has attachments. Click here to view them ", click that and then it shows the file.
13 years ago
5 days ago
s8nclwz... the man with the fuck crazy santa claus avatar...
11 years ago
9 years ago
By hygorct | Permalink | On 03 June 2013 - 02:59 AM
s8nclwz... the man with the fuck crazy santa claus avatar...

Haha, np mate, I'd wondered the same things as you, took me a while to work out...
Carl Duggan
11 years ago
10 months ago
By s8nclwz | Permalink | On 03 June 2013 - 02:32 AM

i tried this but it does not add the attribute thing, is there anyway just to get the highlighted attributes on?
11 years ago
9 years ago
By Carl Duggan | Permalink | On 04 June 2013 - 13:09 PM
i tried this but it does not add the attribute thing, is there anyway just to get the highlighted attributes on?

Not sure what you mean exactly mate, can you be more precise/descriptive?

Bear in mind I'm a noob at this these days, but I just happened to know the answer to the other question because I'd done it myself.
Carl Duggan
11 years ago
10 months ago
you know the highlighted bit round the numbers? like the green orange and blue highlights? these did not work when a added the file. however i would like the highlights, but only the highlights, i do not want the shirt name and number thing or the green background behind the face.
11 years ago
9 years ago
By Carl Duggan | Permalink | On 05 June 2013 - 00:29 AM
you know the highlighted bit round the numbers? like the green orange and blue highlights? these did not work when a added the file. however i would like the highlights, but only the highlights, i do not want the shirt name and number thing or the green background behind the face.

Gotcha. Unfortunately, not something I have any clue about, sounds like a job for the creator...good luck!
13 years ago
5 years ago
Yeah, how do you get the box colours around the attributes, so there more evident on my skin. I want them sticking out at me. I went to preferences, interface and skin colours but not sure if that's the right way to do things.
Kio Adipra
11 years ago
7 years ago
I place it in the right folder. The other skin works, so does the Steklo X3, but why Steklo FMC doesn't? It doesn't even appear in the skin list. Can I get any help?
Wonderful skin btw...
14 years ago
37 minutes ago
By TomDixon77 | Permalink | On 08 January 2013 - 21:06 PM
After a couple of days faffing (after finally getting motivated to do FM stuff again) I think the only way to get background pics working remotely smoothly is without the background selector. Attached is an additional skin for both standard and FMC modes (you still need the big skins from the first post), just extract them into your skins folder as normal. I've included the first pic from the selector as the new 'default' pic, but you can change this to whatever you want, but the opacity selector is still there.

sorry to be a noob but how do you change the default pic

thanks for the great work the skin is fantastic
11 years ago
5 years ago

Some menus are in white, it means i need to drag with the mouse in order to read the field.

e.g. "FM" button, with "preferences, save game" etc, its all white i can only see each field if i drag the mouse (on each field.)

17 years ago
3 years ago
Hey guys, just done some tweaking of this amazing Stelko skin, if i get permission from Tom i will release but until i do i will not be doing so, i have tweaked this skin for me to use, heres a little taster.

Player Profile





Staff Profile



Team General Information


Doesnt that look good?
18 years ago
1 hour ago
I like it alot
Jolly Treepin
11 years ago
9 years ago
Hey, Put this in the wrong folder, couldnt get it to work (I wonder why?) Realised my mistake, put it in the proper folder, Started FM13 preferences, and there it was. Picked the skin, game started, works very well. I would have to give this skin a 10 out of 10, as I like the 'glassiness' of it. Keep up the fantastic work.

The Fordster
17 years ago
3 years ago
18 years ago
1 hour ago
ehm scott
can u upload just the files that makes the profiles different cause im using another skin and would love to add these into it
cheers and thx in advance
14 years ago
20 hours ago
Thanks scott and thanks tom.
Scott the link is down.......
18 years ago
9 months ago
Any idea why the player attribute technique can not be shown...i have to scroll down to show it. This problem exist in full screen.

18 years ago
9 months ago
By Mario Vuk | Permalink | On 16 May 2013 - 03:10 AM
can anyone help me with this attributes box problem? I hate to scroll down everytime I want to see bottom attributes.


Also, is there any way to prevent match feeds from showing? Thanks

Same issue...any solution??
14 years ago
20 hours ago
Hi Scott

Like castor.troy,I also like to have the files that change the personal profile of the players and managers.
Could you, please, upload just those files?
Thank you ;-)
14 years ago
10 years ago
By eddyncc2005 | Permalink | On 23 June 2013 - 07:04 AM
Same issue...any solution??

Same problem here too, need to scroll lock down to read the attribute.
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
9 years ago
16 years ago
2 years ago
Just downloaded the Skin and I like it very much. However, there are a couple of issue I'm wondering about.

1. Compared to the second image at the top of the screen, (the Ronaldo Profile) there are a few things missing on my page; player status bottom left, stats bottom middle, and bans bottom right. How can I get these to appear? EDIT Just found that they show in Full Screen, or hide the Taskbar.

2. Is it possible to make the kits bigger on the Team Overview tab? (More like the size they are in the Information/General tab)

3. I've noticed other people mention the Height, Weight and which footed a player is is missing from under the Players Picture. Has there been a fix for this? With me, this is missing in full screen and with Taskbar hidden, but shows in Windowed when the points made in 1. aren't showing. EDIT I took another look through the thread, and found the answer on page 28

I apologise if it's been covered in previous posts on this thread. I have looked through the whole thread, and I don't think I have seen it posted.

Also, as I've gone through the thread, I've noticed people ask about changing the colour of the number of the Trophy in the History/Overview tab. I don't think an answer was given. Is it possible, and if so, where can it be done?

17 years ago
5 months ago
and any chance that i can have steklo x3 look like the classic steklo version one in full game but with scottpratts panelling after the text in them fits correctly basically i like the depth of information and the badge behind player picture but could i also have the grass behind the picture as is on classic i also like the number from classic version say if that was put where the but i love the steklo style and also is it possible for the attributes to also look like classic.....maybe i should b playing classic
12 years ago
1 week ago
Really like this skin, the only problem I have is the color of the attributes.

How do I change it to white like in this screenshot?

Also how did you get the attributes to show on the player profile screen? I always have to click on attributes......

15 years ago
1 week ago
Please Help Me.........how to make a club logo behind player picture ???

like a this...

12 years ago
1 hour ago
Is there a way, or can any expert help with with a little thing?
Making it possible to have kits be shown in the prematch window, just right under the picture of the stadium?
Just like FMC-skin?https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1025670_10151676036296253_792733358_o.jpg
18 years ago
9 months ago
By DiamondRus | Permalink | On 03 March 2013 - 12:08 PM
Hello guys! I have problem like this http://s14.directupload.net/images/130303/6tnoewp6.png Please, help me.

Any idea how to fall back?

11 years ago
11 years ago
player profile in the last caps, it not same at mine. "villa 7" (#player #Number) is missing for example
How i can change it ?

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