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Number 1
Get that man a kebab, he's pissed.
Number 1
Seeing as won that in 2010, I would say no.
Now we're safe and secure. Hopefully a few of the bog standard players leave too, people like Sammy Ameobi and Williamson who have no business being at a Premier League club.
Can't see it though.
You're either deluded, ignorant or stupid if you believe that.
Hall and Shepherd are immeasurably worse.
'Ashley is greedy' - Hall and Sheppard took millions out the club. Millions in dividends, millions in salaries. Ashley hasn't taken a penny.
'Ashley is cashing in' - Still fuming from that time Ashley sold Ginola, Ferdinand and Asprilla.
'Ashley is using the club to advertise Sports Direct' - Both are directors of The Sporting Club which owns the company providing catering services at the ground for the seasons up to and including 1998-99.
The same company also provides security services to the club. Main shareholder in The Sporting Club is Cameron Hall Developments, where Hall and Shepherd are directors. Those companies probably accounted for most of the £1.45m spent by the club with related parties as disclosed in the last Newcastle accounts.
Rubbing salt into the wound for supporters, known as the Toon Army, the warehouse which holds the replica shirts so beloved of the now-departed boardroom duo is rented from a company associated with Shepherd.
Newcastle took out a 17-year lease on it three years ago, paying rent of £150,000, rising in line with inflation. That contract is worth more than £2.5m.
Sheppard and Hall actually sold the more unprofitable wings off their business to Newcastle. Because the fans can pick up the tab.
'Ashley has no respect for the fans' - Remember that time Ashley was slagging off the fans and calling them mugs, while discussing how much he likes to shag prostitutes? No? because it was Shepherd and Hall.
'But Ashley does't understand the club' - Shepherd and Hall understood that they could exploit further money from the sales of 10 year bonds and selling shares in the club. In the case of the bonds, they would attempt to scare fans into buying the right to guarantee a ticket for ten years. Shepherd and Hall exploited a further £4.5m from the fans by doing this, then moved them anyway.
'Ashley runs the club like North Korea' - Hall and Shepherd would actually take journos on holiday, to Monte Carlo.
ashley overseen relegation.
Footballing wise, shephard and hall are better.
Shepherd left us behind the likes of Reading, Bolton, Portsmouth, Blackburn and Boro. He was also fucking terrible at the football side as well as being an absolute abhorrent individual who only saw Newcastle as way of extending his personal wealth, and thought that every fan was a stupid prick to be squeezed for every last drop.
But hey remember that season we were quite good? Aye? Geordie Nation, passion, The Entertainers.
I prefer finishing 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc
Just me maybe.
Splash The Cash On Matt Le Tiss
Number 1
Michael Laudrup has also said he'd like to manage either us or West Ham. I have some reservations given how his time at Swansea fell to shit by the end, mind.
To be fair, regularly challenging for the Europa League positions and cup wins is more ambitious than what we've been doing for the last three years. Maybe there's change in the air given someone finally got Ashley to talk in public and explain some of his motivations, even if the Sky reporter who did the interview is represented by Ashley's PR's.
They're the 3 names in contention apparently - I'm over the moon it's not Carver.
Number 1
Slashman X
Number 1
Ryan Taylor is fair given he looked pretty poor after returning to the fold, but Jonas is a bit of a tetchy one. Certainly its not one the club is getting positive PR for on Twitter... then again, nothing they do is.
Universal negativity regarding Ameobi being offered a new deal. Rightly so, developing players is so small time. I'd much rather sign players regardless of how terrible they are. At least it shows AMBITION.
If I was keeping one it'd be Jonas but they're both not Premier League quality. Jonas tries his heart out and Ameobi just wanders around then falls over. He would struggle in the Championship. Means we're not going to sign a winger as well, which we desperately need.
If West Ham get De Boer and we get McClaren, Ashley's pre-game comments were clearly just a measure in PR.
GK - Krul, Elliot, Darlow - we're okay there.
DR - Janmaat - backup needed
DC - Coloccini, Taylor, Williamson, Lascelles, Dummett? (Satka, Streete, Good) - more quality here definitely needed. 1 starting centre back.
DL - Haidara, Dummett - hmm a tricky one, if Haidara can stay fit and show the form he did before he got injured we'll be okay.
DMC - Tiote? might be leaving - needs replaced with a top quality DM if so, Colback - we're okay here
MC - Sissoko, Anita, Colback, Abeid, De Jong? - one more quality CM and we'd be okay.
AMR/L - Gouffran, Ameobi, Obertan, Aarons - none of them premier league quality barring maybe Aarons but he's unfit a lot and we've hardly seen him. 2 quality wingers needed.
AMC - Cabella, De Jong, Perez - should be alright there.
ST - Cisse, Riviere, Perez, Armstrong - Cisse might leave, if so needs replaced. Riviere not good enough and Armstrong needs loaned out. 1 quality striker needed, 1 young one for backup as Riviere should be sold.
Hardly any of the above will happen.
Manager wise, while highly unlikely and unpopular, I think Big Sam would be a decent shout to help steady the ever sinking ship the club has become over recent years. His record with Bolton and West Ham is enough to show he can at least help with reestablishing the club, while his work on smaller budgets and utilising the loan market would be another benefit.
Number 1
He did build a reasonable squad though, certainly better than what you've got going on now imo. He also did have a good start to the season iirc before fading out. I know his football style is unpopular, but I think it's also a sacrifice that needs to be made to enquire the club can reestablish themselves amongst the mid to upper half of the table for a few seasons.
There really isn't much out there unless the club make a bold move and take a punt.