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Slashman X
I'm on an iPhone 4 that's almost 2 year old and apart from a dodgy home button it's hanging in there, I'm certainly not going to get a 5 till around Christmas when there'll hopefully be some decent deals on.
King Luis
Or just get yourself a nice, superior Android and save yourself the pain.
The Platypus
Having recently moved to a new city, I'm quite enjoying the maps feature on my phone.
Apparently Gothenburg doesn't exist according to Apple:
Apple haven't yet approved the Google Maps app for IOS 6 and apparently they don't plan on anytime soon.
Telegram Sam
Telegram Sam
Pre-ordering this on Friday.
Slashman X
Also, the gfx card is shite
The 650m is pretty good. Can play Battlefield 3 etc quite easily. People don't buy iMacs to be able to play the newest games in the highest settings anyway.
You can get it with a 2gb GTX 680MX if you want better graphics.
Slashman X
King Luis
Slashman X
Also, the base of it is the same size it always was, so it's not even saving room on your desk
Plus there is no optical drive, which is a very strange move
to this just a couple of years later
I mean, TV's just sit in the corner of the room and it's not like they need to be thin, right?
Slashman X
Notice how the base of the TV got thinner. The base of the iMac is literally the exact same width as the previous one, so you are saving 0 space
Slashman X
King Luis
Not that strange really, not used a disk in my iMac for best part of a year.
Slashman X
While I use my disk drive on my Macbook about twice a day.
King Luis
Your in the minority then i think, what do you use it for out of interest?
Slashman X
Use it in work to burn projects to DVD's to be sent off to clients.
I'll also use it to rip CD's etc. I don't think it's fair on those who don't have a fast internet connection, I'm sure there's the argument that most games/music/movies etc can be bought and downloaded online, but most of Ireland doesn't have the broadband capabilities for that so actually buying games and music on physical media is much handier.
Surely it makes more sense to include the drive and have everyone happy (minority has their drive, majority still don't use it) than to leave it out and make a good few people unhappy.
And don't suggest an external drive, you can't expect to pay >1500 quid for a desktop computer and still have to buy what should be basic items
King Luis
Its just not a basic item anymore though thats the thing, no ones forcing anyone to buy it anyway