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First one is the Sortisoutsi one. I used this one last year, but for some reason when I used it, the database felt weird. More German regens than I could sign. I also felt that it changed certain things that it didn't set out to change. But it did fix the German National team and league names etc.
Link: http://sortitoutsi.net/downloads/view/8116/fm14-real-names-fixes
Second one is the Football Manager Story one. This one does not need editor data, but it still changes the names and fixes the German National team. I used this on FM14 to start with, and it does exactly what it says.
Link: http://www.footballmanagerstory.com/fm-2014-real-names-fix/
So now I'm confused as to what one is best to use. One uses Editor data, the other one doesn't, but gets the same results? Or does the Sortitoutsi one, with the editor data add something extra to the game, which is why you get more German Regens?
So yeah, how do each work and what is the one you use?
I haven't used the FM Story one but I would guess by the simple fact that ours is 170kb and there's is 5kb, that ours is alot more detailed and makes more changes.
You can actually see the list of changes on the FM Story website and the only reason we don't list every change is because there are simply too many to list.
Like I said I haven't used the FM Story one myself so I honestly can't comment, but my intuition is that ours is simply more in depth