14 years ago
2 months ago
Hopefully this is in the right place and hopefully someone can help.

I have the most up to date cut out faces mega-pack, have extracted it to the right folder, un-ticked and ticked in the correct places.....same as every year, but, for some reason, the faces do not show up in -game. And I've no idea why. Any help??
15 years ago
7 months ago
18 years ago
2 hours ago
Why not post this in the cut-out faces megapack technical support thread?

First of all, though, ensure you have all 137,799 images in one folder and one folder only, complete with config file. If that is the case, please clear your cache from the preferences (be warned, you'll lose all your preferences) and if it's still not working, post a screenshot of your megapack folder, displaying clearly the folder path and amount of images therein.

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