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It's weird, my taste in those films varies. I genuinely believe Out for Justice is terrific because it's genuinely entertaining for the right and wrong reasons. Like William Forsythe is just a force of nature in that film, pure evil for the sake of evil. But then knowing what Seagal is like I just love this moment in time where everyone thought he was the business so they made a film where he was allowed to do what he wanted when he wanted. His character is called Gino Felino for fuck's sake.
With Cobra it's just terrible. Pure shit, but it has to be seen. It would die today, but that was a huge success at the time.
Then there's crap like Forest Warrior which is just stupid.
I love action films if they have humour in them or there's something more to the action, but terrible action is good if there's time to reflect on how awful the main character is. That's why I can't stand Chuck Norris films because he says nothing and it's just kicking and explosions. It's boring.
And Amy Adams character is still really intriguing to me. To me it seemed like she was the main driving force of the Cause, that she was the one who ultimately kept them pushing forward with Dodd being the charismatic 'poster boy' to see it through. A lot of layers and intensity in her performance.
Such a fucking good film, so rich in ideas and themes, I'm really glad I got to see it again. Wish I could have seen it on 70mm, bet it would have looked stunning. Love Greenwood's soundtrack too, it seems to shift and morph throughout.
The Platypus
I really don't have any idea what the last shot of the film is about. Freddie seems very interested by the idea of reincarnation and previous lives. Dreaming of a life where he wasn't fucked up. Where he could be with Doris. All the girls Freddie went for sort of looked like Doris as well.
I think he's still screwed up by the end, but he's not filled with the same rage that he was earlier. Just trying to make it through life. Trying to create/find the perfect woman. Doris, basically.
It's a brilliant film. PTA's most emotionally complex and character heavy film to date. I'll be watching it for the third time in January when it's out in Denmark, and probably many more.
Urgh, I could happily watch it again tomorrow. I'm going to make it my job this weekend to sit down and watch Magnolia.
The Platypus
Not seen Magnolia yet?? It can be a bit much, and it is my second least favourite PTA film, but it's still fucking amazing, and I'm blown away every time I see it.
Steven Seagal can still do whatever the fuck he wants, he has played every nationality from Japanese to Native American lol. I enjoy his current run of films called True Justice. They go overboard on story lines of crimes that a small Seattle unit would not ordinarily be handling and the acting is pretty horrible at times but when Seagal comes in and just kicks the shit out of people is where the fun is.
Just curious, what's your favourite to least favourite PTA films? Magnolia's probably one of my favourites.
The Platypus
I have a hard time ranking them really, but I'll give it a go.
1) Boogie Nights
2) There Will Be Blood
3) The Master
4) Punch Drunk Love
5) Magnolia
6) Hard Eight
Boogie Nights was the first PTA film I saw, so it'll probably always be my number 1. Blood and Master I think will battle it out for 2nd place forever, and it'll all depend on my mood, and repeated viewings of The Master.
Hard Eight's the only film of his that I don't consider at least a 9/10, and it's still a solid film. Especially considering he was like 24 when he made it.
I'm going to have to watch them all again, but upon first viewing (I only saw them all for the first time in the last few months) Magnolia stuck with me the most.
The Platypus
I can't blame you, it's an emotionally hard hitting film. Sticks in your gut.
I love the Scorsese-esque mix of humor and tragedy in Boogie Nights. It's like Goodfellas in the porn world.
And Blood is just a powerhouse.
Gonna be a productive day.
The Platypus
Moonrise Kingdom
Amazing Spiderman
Dark Knight Rises
Pretty sure I've only seen five films in 2012 though and my top spot will definitely be reserved for the Hobbit.
Loads of films I've not got round to seeing though, Argo, End of Watch and Moonrise Kingdom in particular.
21 Jump Street
The Cabin in the Woods
The Avengers
The Raid
Moonrise Kingdom
The Master
The Dark Knight Rises, Argo and Prometheus were also up there.
The Platypus
1) The Master
2) Jeff Who Lives At Home
3) Skyfall
4) Moonrise Kingdom
5) Looper
6) Magic Mike
7) Killer Joe
8) 21 Jump Street
9) Killing Them Softly
10) The Grey
2) Project X
3) Jiro: Dreams of sushi
4) Argo
5) Skyfall
How's Jeff Who Lives At Home? Been meaning to catch up with it but haven't got round to it yet. Completely forgot about The Grey, need to give that a rewatch at some point.
The Platypus
Seeing as it's number 2 on my list?
I think it's absolutely brilliant. The trailers made it look completely shite, but it's a great film. Segel is fantastic.
TDKR and Lawless (which I just finished watching) are the only ones I can remember from the top off my head.
The Platypus
February 1st your ass better be in line to see Joaquin Phoenix jerk off on a beach.
Swedish première of The Master?
The Platypus
You bet.
Telegram Sam
The Platypus
Pssst.. Jeff Who Lives At Home.. hey, pssst.. hey.. hey..
Headhunters is pretty great, right? Way more violent than I thought it'd be
Going to watch this after I've had some munch.