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King Luis
King Luis
Yeah going to be
I'll mention it to my boss and see if I could get 3 or 4 days off work
Did my second fitness test last week and the results were pretty impressive. I've tried to stay with the rigorous schedule but of course I am bound to miss the odd day.
Nearly ran over a clown the other evening who was out on the road with a bike that had no lights and no reflexes with the bike path literally a yard to the side of him. I swear people like that have a death-wish.
King Luis
Sometimes bike paths aren't the safest/best place to be, alot of the ones round me are really poorly surfaced, full of pot holes and drains. Just because its there doesn't mean the cyclist has to use it.
This. And a lot of them have little stones and cobbles. Death traps for punctures.
King Luis
Another ride today, was bloody hot out but pretty happy with how i was going set about 15 PB's as well which i wasn't expecting. Nearly had my first crash though, entirely my own fault, going into a corner to fast and nearly had a head on with a car, managed to pull the rear brake and the back end slid out but managed to keep upright
King Luis
Yeah mate loving it, so glad i went for a bike with a compact chainset as well after previously only used doubles. Went out again yesterday before work and did the best part of 40 miles so done about 100 miles over the weekend.
How many days would be a good amount to leave between runs?
Really depends on your fitness level.
How sore do you be after running?
A day?
It honestly depends how your body feels, running is a bit dissimilar to say weight training where you need to rest to allow micro tears to repair and muscles to grow, if you feel fit and your body can handle it run every day. If you don't feel recovered after a day then take two. Just learn to listen to what your body is telling you.
Or just get a bike, its better.
King Luis
I was going to go. Met a couple out cycling and they so happened to come into my pub the day after and said if I were going over that I could stay with them..... But I decided against it in the end
King Luis
You're clocking up great mileage on the new bike, good man!!
Went out for a mountain walk with my dog on Friday , wanted to do some form of training other than the bike. Ended up doing a 10km loop which took about two hours and 20 minutes. Work Saturday night and during Sunday especially was torture! My legs were killing me , and they're still sore today but not as bad!
King Luis
Cheers, done 210 miles in the 2 and a bit weeks ive had it. Building back upto doing long rides again, need to start doing centuries while the weathers good.