Máté Skriba - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



This image is part of a pack: Hungary mixpack 2
Pending by Side Splitting Pass on 01 Aug 2021 09:01:52
Completed by fatila on 13 Aug 2021 21:44:06
This image is a response to #1834242
Completed by mons on 13 Aug 2021 21:47:03
18 years ago
5 hours ago

Great work so far @fatila. One more thing, when you've got a lot of cuts to do, it's better to upload them all together.


When you're uploading a lot of cuts at one go, even if they are not from the same request pack, please do so as a pack instead of individually. If they're saved on your PC as the person's UID, the forum will then associate them to the right person automatically, and it'll save you the time of uploading every single one of them individually. It would also save me the time of having to download them all individually too. It's a win-win situation.


Also, in this case, when you're doing a cut use the I'm working on it button so that no one else takes it on too 😉