Anthony Martial - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
ive tried making bald martial reject if not good enough
ive tried making bald martial reject if not good enough
Wait for the official portraits for this season, they'll be released soon enough.
A 180px, photoshopped version of a 2017 cutout won't be an improvement over a high quality one from last year.
ive tried making bald martial reject if not good enough
Best to request the source image and let us give it a go. It's not a bad cut, but there are some artifacts above the ear and the cut is in 180x180 instead of 250x250.
I've seen you try your hand at cutting in the past few weeks and while they're not bad, they could do with some tweaks.
I recommend having a look at the guidelines in this thread before trying to do so, as well as the many video tutorials for each technique. I recommend using to remove the background from an image as well as to tweak, both free tools which do an excellent and quick job - watch the tutorials in the above-linked thread 👍
thanks for the feedback
Is this really higher quality than the last picture? Because the current cutout quality looks bad in my opinion.
7. Just because a source image is more recent than that in the MP does not automatically mean it's an improvement. It's better to have a slightly older image in the MP if it is of better quality.
8. Ask yourself, is it really an improvement to the existing MP image? If it's the same face and hairstyle with just this season's new kit, it's probably just an alternative.
If anything, the lighting in the requested source means it isn't an improvement anyway either...