Vladimir Pinchuk - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



Media not found #275504
Media not found #275505
6 years ago
2 days ago
@LatvianComrade This source would make a better cutout, as he isn't wearing sunglasses. Additionally, when the source image is good enough, the cutout should be 250*250px
18 years ago
4 hours ago
I've saved the new cut and I've re-opened this so that the better source may be cut too
4 years ago
3 months ago
I have made cutout from that one better source. Not sure that it is good enought, this is like my first time requesting an image for facepack.
18 years ago
4 hours ago
I have made cutout from that one better source. Not sure that it is good enought, this is like my first time requesting an image for facepack.

I'm afraid that's not quite what we're looking for. I'm going to re-open it again.

For future reference, have a look at this thread so that you can be aware of what kind of cuts we're looking for and how to accomplish them. For the time being, I would recommend posting sources that you find as requests and then uploading your cutting attempt in the comment, instead of as a completed cut. In this way, we can give you feedback which you can use to improve future cutting attempts. This would also mean that your cuts have a much better probability of being added to the megapack and that your limited cutting time can be used as productively as possible

I personally recommend using remove.bg