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#735842 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
Fantastic guys
#735841 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Game has the majority of them, use the search function and you will find the missing ones and Also Roma that was removed from the game on the last patch.
#734084 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Well scrap this one i was making great job mate. As always
#733224 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
I was messing around on a save and i ended up coaching Estonia.. So i decided to do the kits
#729783 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Main problem was aligning the pattern, that's why i used it to do it, the rest was the old fashioned way, layers, and FM 3D kit Vierwer
#729742 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Still learning and doing basic templates and help of fmkit creator
#729697 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
A very, very basic take on Moreirense 3rd kit, still some stuff missing, will try my best
#729375 Portugal - Liga 3 - 3D'22-23 New! (18/02/23)
Top Notch mate
#728757 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Top notch work man
#728566 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Do you know of any PES Patch with these kits??
#728535 FC’12 Template Area [v9.0]
Ok, so… i'm going to try and make some 3d CDT kits from the portuguese leagues, is there any chance the person that did the Liga 2 Sabseg to help me out witht the templates they used, the graphics are hard to do, and will give credit to them. Thanks.
#728532 Liga Portugal SABSEG 3D'2022/23 Relink! (28/07/23)
IF you get me the base templates i can have a go at them.
#727647 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Does anyone know of a way to put the Japanese clubs overview screen working??
#719331 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Thanks man.
#719104 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hey man… How can i have the default start screen with the 3D manager and the dressing room background?? Love the skin.. Just not that part….
#715941 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Don't know if it works, i'm using the same format SI is using.
#715730 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
That's not the correct format
#715729 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
dang it.. tought i had the xml file also uploaded
<!-- Liga Bwin -->
<record from="ligabwin" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/60/default"/>
<record from="ligabwinchampion" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/60/champion"/>
<!-- Liga Sabseg -->
<record from="ligasabseg" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/61/default"/>
<!-- Liga 3 -->
<record from="liga3" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/2000015975/default"/>
<record from="liga3" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/2000112232/default"/>
<record from="liga3" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/2000112233/default"/>
<!-- Campeonato de Portugal -->
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065454/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065643/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065659/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065660/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065661/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065662/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065663/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065664/default"/>
<record from="campeonatodeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55065665/default"/>
<!-- Taca de Portugal -->
<record from="tacadeportugal" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/1301421/default"/>
<!-- Supertaca -->
<record from="supertaca" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/115065/default"/>
<!-- Taca da Liga -->
<record from="tacadaliga" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/55006606/default"/>
<!-- Liga Revelação-->
<record from="ligarevelecao" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/83250498/default"/>
<record from="ligarevelecao" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/2000036528/default"/>
<record from="ligarevelecao" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/2000036529/default"/>
<!-- Taca Revelação -->
<record from="tacarevelacao" to="graphics/pictures/sleeves/3d/83301837/default"/>
#715435 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Portugal Patches
#712014 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Top Job mate, if i can help in anything… shoot..
#711523 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
Great work has always. I've been with severe health issues, FM helps me pass the time, and distract my mind.
Moreirense is missing the third kit.
Keep up the great work, i can help with research of needed. not much more. Sorry
#708291 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Portuguese Competitions and Awards have several mistakes in terms of names and grammatical construction.
2 files with the correct names as of this year and correct grammatical terms.
Hope this helps.
#708253 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
I'm doing a ton of patches. I'm putting them on the position that makes sense.
Dont forget that for the UEFA competitions the kits have differences because of the rules, and has the example @wfm18 showed that kit would have lost the right sleeve sponsor for UEFA CL.
#706800 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
If somebody wants to try it out
#706745 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
From what i've tested, only sleeve patches for leagues, cup, etc are equal for all teams. So no special patch for the champion.
I'm doing the Portuguese sleeves patches and will try ad make the missing english ones
#698869 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Thats what i did. thanks.
#697032 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
I was hoping for a Flut fix, i got those files, extracted them and used the panel on Flut skin it works..
#697019 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Hey big brain guy Flut, the overview panel for japanese clubs… Have you release something to show it?? Or is just my skin that doesnt work??
Been away for a bit, might have lost something…… most likely did.
#668686 Portugal - Liga Bwin 3D'21/22 Updated! (21/12/21)
All 3 Benfica kits are missing the 3 stars, aldo the bottom of the logo is cut
#667281 Shiny Waxing Moon 21 - RELEASED First Packs
I'm pulling the plug on this, no time.
Can a mod delete this topic, thank you.