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#803555 Iran TVs Football
you are constantly sniping and trying to cause arguments on the forums usually like this with racial undertones, I have pointed this out to you previously and @Footygamer asked you to stop on a similar issue recently regarding Turkish users
so I am giving you a warning, you have had too many chances, if you continue you will get banned
#803046 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Hi mate
yes lots of images missing I have gone back to the download history and cant see how,I downloaded the full pack 4.11 and have updated everyone since then
but never mind I have done a full install
#803045 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
yes mate as said that is what I did a total full install
#802972 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I have done a full install now, still a couple of issues-
players I had to manually update an image to included 2000288694/ 2000257651
I searched the new faces file using those IDs and again found only config entries -[no image/s were shown for either entry
however when I manually added those missing images I got a message saying -
#802969 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I have noticed some players without images in game however when I check the config file using their unique id there is an entry for them eg
2000217978 but no image in my facepack
I have added the missing image/s I have found manually
my question is have I ballesed up an update somewhere, and is there a way to find how many images might be missing
this is the details of the faces folder-[it should have 480,827 images]
there seems to be 16k+ images missing so I may just do a fresh install, but looking at my timeline I seem to have updated the pack and not missed anything, no big deal but I have must have messed up somewhere
#802732 ALL Issues with premium membership post here[read the opening post before posting]
I removed the link as you had your email visible so anyone viewing site could see it
PM it to footygamer as he suggested earlier
#802406 ALL Issues with premium membership post here[read the opening post before posting]
@JAKE DWYER read the opening post here why are you PM me?
#800886 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
The details are in the opening post, I dont use the updates so I cant give any information on them
#800881 Data Update Home Thread
what have you purchased and why are you posting the issue in this thread
there is a forum/thread for issues with premium membership
if however the issue is with the classic update post in the thread for it-
and tag the site admin into your post @Footygamer
#800779 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
glad you saw it now
for anyone else who cant see it,its the big banner on top of the page click on it to access the content
#800752 Data Update Home Thread
Thank you
#800663 Data Update Home Thread
please stop spamming the forums with this, one post was enough and not 3
you have already posted here https://sortitoutsi.net/comments/get/800645 wait for a reply there
#800632 FM24 League Updates
drop the attitude this update is done by Theminsterman when he can, so just report the issue and a please and thank could have been added, not Fix this, he has given countless hours of his own time providing the community with this content
also the other point as you state has nothing to do with the league update
#800244 Help needed. Can't Start New Game
try this first https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/0C48-FCBD-DA71-93EB
if still no joy You need to ask over on the SI bugs forums regards this
#799864 FM24 Data Update ist not realistic - Please check and correct
as @Louis Hancke says the value is nothing to do with the update the game generates that
#799728 Troubleshooting Football Manager Data Update Installation - How to install Football Manager Databases
I have moved your comment to this thread as it had nothing to do with the thread you posted in
read the opening page regards how to install
you needed to act pre administration as regards debts etc
what editor are you using
#799188 FM24 2024 Summer Start date with Promoted Teams + Data Update.
@bambi95 have you sought permission from the actual people who have created the files you are using?
you don't even credit them in your opening post
removing files until you can answer the above PM me
#798619 FM25 Delayed until March 2025 - Our FM24 Data Update will continue being updated
don't think you are wrong there mate
This sums it up for me in this bug report its a disgrace, a major issue not addressed and the total ghosting is appalling -
#798415 FM25 Delayed until March 2025 - Our FM24 Data Update will continue being updated
I have always wanted to see competition, another franchise to compete with them, then they would have to step up as it is now they are the only option
but users may vote by not buying FM25 that is the only way by the look of it, as the dialogue with reasonable long standing paying customers is frankly dreadful, and if you dare to speak up then you get treated as you have, that is really poor, it seems the only feedback allowed has to be positive
They are getting away with the fact, the game is made better by the likes of yourself and others in the community/staff here who provide content SI should be doing in the first place.
#798404 FM25 Delayed until March 2025 - Our FM24 Data Update will continue being updated
yes its nothing to do with that at all its as you say like adding some extra leagues and some additional players etc in DB[they are already there that is why FM24 editor is so slow loading, certain sections are closed to us plebs but the data is there]
the issue is they cant do what they wanted in the timescale, they are having issues and it seems they can't deliver what they were saying they could, so they are moving it back nearly 5 months which either indicates they have hit a real big issue since announcing the 26/11/24 release or it was
being rushed out to meet that date and they have decided it won't be ready in time
I was expecting it to be a bit of an anticlimax anyway if I am honest,but now its a bit of a disaster on the marketing front, as it isn't being delayed for a week or 2 its months
#798387 FM25 Delayed until March 2025 - Our FM24 Data Update will continue being updated
lol very good
#798379 FM25 Delayed until March 2025 - Our FM24 Data Update will continue being updated
How dare you question the leader you naughty boy
what is the point in releasing in March lol[I bet many people actually paid for the product on pre order as per the advertised November release…will they be refunded now if they want their money back]
They should miss a version now as by the time this is actually patched and ‘some’ of the many inevitable bugs addressed they will be launching the all new shiny FM26
#797980 France National 2 playable
Do it yourself then
#797794 Database update
you cannot add anyone missing from the DB to the live data update
However there are pinned threads on this forum like this https://sortitoutsi.net/content/65386/fm24-player-and-staff-updates
#797670 Everything we know about FM25 - Football Manager 2025 Release Date and Features
yes there are a few major issues with the game
its why you need an in game editor you can remove sponsorship/impose sanctions like point deductions and transfer bans that the game should be doing but isnt
#797487 FM25 Cheapest Price - Football Manager 25 Price Comparison
FYI Just check before you pre order that the license code hasnt got GEO Restrictions
some of the discounts are for certain regions only so dont get caught paying for something you cannot use in your region, if in doubt ask the company before ordering
#797484 FM25 Cheapest Price - Football Manager 25 Price Comparison
Its shocking that Steam dont give better discount to customers -
some of the above are offering 35%
#797475 Everything we know about FM25 - Football Manager 2025 Release Date and Features
Is there anything to suggest this has been addressed as it has been broken for a couple of years
#797276 Everything we know about FM25 - Football Manager 2025 Release Date and Features
lets see what the changes are
and what can still be be edited data/graphics
interesting they still are saying it will be save game compatible..so your save from 24 can be used in 25
what happens if you are have an international save?