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#610846 Site issues - reporting thread
#608351 Site issues - reporting thread
If you are not able to fix it or you just don't want to fix it, that's ok and it's understandable. But please, just tell us how the ability value was calculated before and that's it.
#577670 Site issues - reporting thread
Okay, no problem, thank you. Maybe @Footygamer knows about it.
#577621 Site issues - reporting thread
#577305 Site issues - reporting thread
Those are a very sad news for me. I have created a personal database using the data from this website for a couple of years. I really liked the older overall system, it was a good way to know how good were the players without seeing the actual CA. The new system is useless for me (cause it's just the CA divided by 2), but I appreciate your efforts, some people might find it interesting.
Can you please tell me how the older system worked? It was the overall rating given by the scouting program, right?
And by the way, no, the CA displayed in the players' profile is correct.
#576226 Site issues - reporting thread
Can you please fix this and bring back the old system? You just have to revert it like it was before. Thank you so much.
#573964 Site issues - reporting thread
Yeah, the stars are useless in my opinion. Every year I create my own database for personal use and I like to have the rating of every player (as it's shown in the scout, not the CA). Now, I can't do that. That's why I'd like to see the player rating and the potential again. It was numerical after the first update, but now it has only the stars and not the numbers, which is awful.
Anyway, I hope the admin can fix this issue as soon as possible.
#573177 Site issues - reporting thread
I just needed an answer, because I left two messages before and they were ignored. Now that I got an answer, I'll be waiting patiently to see the issue fixed. Thank you so much for the reply!
#571513 Site issues - reporting thread
I'd like to know if this is something that's going to be addressed or not. Thanks.
#570966 sortitoutsi 2021 is here! - New website available now
Same here. Please, bring back the numeric value for rating and potential. Thanks!
#570467 Site issues - reporting thread