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#660682 Premier League 2021/22 Leaguepack
Thanks, created a ‘master config’ and put all in one place, now working. Thanks buddy.
#660680 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Hi mons,
I've moved it over to that pathway and still no luck. My other graphics are still showing, which are in the original pathway in the screenshot above.
Thanks for helping.
#660668 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Thanks Mons,
I've only got the PL pack in my graphics at the moment, I moved the mega pack out of graphics onto an SD card earlier when trying to test a different pack.
I've attached the paths and the current interface settings too.
The images are not showing on the player profile when clicked on either.
#660663 Premier League 2021/22 Leaguepack
#660662 Premier League 2021/22 Leaguepack
All attached HRiddick, cheers for taking the time.
#660657 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Hi all,
Having big issues with both a mega pack and a PL pack I downloaded this season. Neither packs are showing in game and at one point have been extracted into my graphics folder. My trophies, logos, kits and backgrounds all working fine but no luck with the faces, even when clearing the cache etc.
I'm on a Macbook if that's any help.
No idea what I'm clearly doing wrong this time.
#660648 Premier League 2021/22 Leaguepack
Having an absolute stinker at the moment. Downloaded the mega pack and now this, tried both separately but not working at all.
My kit packs and backgrounds are working fine, cleared cache and reloaded skin. Not a thing