MadLane - Comments

#692644 Loizos Kosmas
13 years ago
1 week ago
By mons 29 June 2022 - 20:46 PM UTC 

@MadLane, please make sure to confirm that an image which came up in a Google Image search is for the person you're looking for, not just assume it, as it might be an image related to someone else entirely on a page mentioning the person in question 😉


In this case, this is an image of Filip Gacevski, and a very poor version, frankly.


really? sorry about that then, i searched it for myself after noticing it wasn't in the site and assumed it was him since the google image linked to his page on FM data.

#645711 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
13 years ago
1 week ago

Hello, i tried to open the file but had no idea what i was doing, basically can i ask for a version of this with just a comentary on goals? like on radio where they go “goal!!!", i always play with either only comentary for easy games and key heighlighs or extended for big games so having lots of sound always felt like a spam to me, but goals are not that many that would feel spam, so having just a goal sound would be great, sadly the game has no option just for that.


If you could make a file with just goal sound i would very much appreciate it 🙂

#644963 Andrea Vos
13 years ago
1 week ago
By mons 05 August 2021 - 21:12 PM UTC 

No worries, here's a link to the tutorial thread for you to have a look at if you want to make more cuts in the future.


I made a 1-minute bit of Google research but I'm afraid that's not how this site works, though - if you want a person to have their person added to the megapack, you need to provide an image for them. I don't have a LinkedIn account, so can't access the full-size image anyway.


As an aside, I'm not sure how you can say you're new to FM and to the site, given your profile was created 10 years ago 😛


Yeah i once tried FM, FM08 or 09 and got the faces from here, that's why i remembered the site 😛

i added an attachment with the full photo, more like “full” since it's not big in terms of resolution, seems this is really her only photo i can find, if this one doesn't work then sorry to have wasted your time, poor Andrea will stay as the faceless staff member in my team XD

#644921 Andrea Vos
13 years ago
1 week ago
By mons 05 August 2021 - 14:51 PM UTC 

Have a look at the tutorial thread to see what we're looking for in our cuts. Best to request the source image and let us do what's needed 👍


@moondog777, going by LinkedIn, it seems that's the right person actually.


Hi, i'm new to FM and to this site, didn't see a tutorial but should have searched for it, as you seem to already know she exists and you even have her Linkedin i guess i'll let you guys handle it then 🙂

#644920 Andrea Vos
13 years ago
1 week ago
By moondog777 05 August 2021 - 14:06 PM UTC 

@mons   not in the game, and is this the right person?

Is a secretary? These have nothing to do with the game.

Isn't in the 2022 edition either.


Hi, yes it's the right person, i'm playing FM 2020 and i have her as a scout and got her from PSV, went on google and she was real.

#644880 Andrea Vos
13 years ago
1 week ago

Did the best i could with my limited edit skills