huysavi - Comments

#375397 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
16 years ago
2 months ago
Hi: I already explained how to do it lots of times in this thread. However, here is again the explanation:
1. Go to settings.xml and open it
2. Search for:

<colour name="unknown attribute background" red="227" green="178" blue="110"/>
<colour name="low attribute background" red="246" green="42" blue="42"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background" red="255" green="156" blue="0"/>
<colour name="good attribute background" red="15" green="158" blue="15" />
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="20" green="247" blue="28" />

3. Change the values of red, green and blue
4. save the changes
5 . Reload the game


Tks Flut, I suggest you can state these at the #1 so newbie could easily find it. However I've done this with fm2017flutskindark setting file, at phase:
<!-- background attribute box colours Flut 17 v1 -->
I changed colour for excellent, normal, good ect..., save file, quite game, reload game, reload skin but nothing happen?
Besides that, could you please tell me how to change the colour for inj status because atm it is at pink half red colour, which is quite similar to on international duty.
#375266 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
16 years ago
2 months ago
In fact, in order to change the colour of background attributes you have to edit the code (changing the values of colours) in the settings. After the changes you have to exit the game and reload it.

Could you please make it clear? edit the code in the xml file or at the preference in game then exit - reload?
If edit the xml file so which file I should do?

tks FLUT
#374964 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
16 years ago
2 months ago
I use the in game preference to change player's attributes colour but nothing happen. Could anyone tell me how to change it please. It works only with default skin not with add on skin.
I even tried to edit the XML file fm2017flutskindark settings but same result.