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#380198 Transfer Rumours 2016/17
Based Jorge
He is old and shite.
#380033 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Depends on the money, this is both their last chance to get a big contract and I'm not sure another club would necessarily pay more than we possibly could, especially for Özil. Both are the wrong side of 20, Alexis won't get a Summer off until 2020 and whether he'll still have his legs in a couple of years to warrant a £40/50m fee is uncertain.
That being said I'm not entirely fussed with whatever happens as long as if they do go, that they go abroad.
Also, Wenger's contract expires in like two weeks, he's been acting really bizarre in press confs. and apparently today was one of his strangest to date. I don't think anyone at the club really has a clue of what's going on
#379690 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Consistently in our top 3 players who covers the most ground each game, "lazy"
#379370 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Thought the myth of Özil being lazy died a death anyway
#378936 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#378927 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Xhaka is already a very good footballer. Has everything you want in a deep lying playmaker, a shame that he's now quite scared to put a foot in because of ref's booking him on reputation earlier in the season rather than what they actually see.
Him and Ox have been our best players for a couple of months now
#378833 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#378740 2016/17 Champions League
Based Jorge
Dunno whether that goes to show how good Mbappe is or how much of a big game bottler Zlatan is
#378558 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Worrying for United fans
#378518 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#377661 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#377578 Official Boxing Thread.
Based Jorge
#377516 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Koscielny - Alderweireld - Vertonghen
Walker - Dembele - Xhaka - Rose
Eriksen - Kane - Alexis
The Eriksen one could literally be any of him Özil or Dele. Inb4 lol's at Xhaka when they haven't seen him play
#377459 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#376886 2016/17 Champions League
Based Jorge
#376842 2016/17 Europa League
Based Jorge
#376469 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#376210 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Walker - Alderweireld - David Luiz - Alonso
Dembele - Kante
Hazard - Alli - Mane
for me
#376072 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
It'll be even funnier when Arsene signs the new two year deal he has on the table
#375765 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#375454 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#375216 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Can't wait til he dies.
#375142 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
8 draws in the last 12 League games at home
"Jose's got us playing the way United should"
#374304 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
36% possession against Middlesbrough
#373960 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
Robbie after seeing the third go in:
#373946 2016/17 Barclays Premier League Thread
Based Jorge
#373601 2016/17 Champions League
Based Jorge
You'll see next season when he cruises the League and wins the CL with City within 4 years
#373394 2016/17 FA Cup
Based Jorge
Would've liked Spurs as them at Wembley without Harry Kane is essentially a bye to the final
#372864 Transfer Rumours 2016/17
Based Jorge
Somehow Wenger is going to stay and the two year contract offered to him is still sitting there, ready for him to sign.
#372765 2016/17 Champions League
Based Jorge
Hope someone smashes a plate over these Greek refs head and gives them all brain damage the stupid cunts