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#660591 Adam Bossu
United Joshdom
As a pack?
#657901 Raoul Eya'a
United Joshdom
Why do you think this image needs tilted? I think it's fine, it looks natural.
#657804 Aimé Bissila
United Joshdom
Change to source
#631153 OPZ Elite 2021 [v.21.3.5]+mini
United Joshdom
I downloaded your skin, it's excellent, just have one issue: When I hold the icon next to a player's name, and bring up his info, it always says the player's CA in the bottom left. It's immersion breaking knowing every player's CA without even knowing their stats. Is there a way I can disable it?
#621979 Khader Wamba
United Joshdom
That would be correct.
Unfortunately there's nothing more up to date, but it's the picture of the actual player online.
#621909 Khader Wamba
United Joshdom
That's Merveille Kikasa Wamba. Please revert to the previous picture.
#621907 Michael Wango
United Joshdom
Yeah, you can reject that one.
His neck is vertical which is why I submitted it the way that I did. It's the best quality image I could find on the guy, which unfortunately isn't saying much.
#621781 Cédrick Mavuanga
United Joshdom
The picture is not a good enough quality, this one is better, I want this one to be used.
#619278 Denis Likwela
United Joshdom
I can send you the original images so that you can do the cuts to a good enough standard?
#619277 Chu Dinh Nghiem
United Joshdom
I will post a new 250x250 image. However on the matter about the chin pixels: I can find hundreds of images in the facepack where this isn't the case.
#619274 Denis Likwela
United Joshdom
Why has this been rejected?
United Joshdom
If you have any issues with the Bolivian database, please contact DanielDionisi at https://community.sigames.com/.
#553192 Seychelles (Premier League & Championship 1)
United Joshdom
#553018 Seychelles (Premier League & Championship 1)
United Joshdom
#546906 [FM20] Zimbabwe - Top 2 levels (5 divisions) v0.8
United Joshdom
You would be welcome here
#269921 Football Manager 2015 | ASTON VILLA | 10 | NEW OWNERS!
United Joshdom