Shwan Chalabi - Comments

#366134 Blak
Shwan Chalabi
9 years ago
9 months ago
nice skins ... thanks
#318412 Youth Rating
Shwan Chalabi
9 years ago
9 months ago
Don't trust too much. We have fights every year for this and we're not happy with the currents ratings. Belgium and Uruguay should be higher and Russia, Mexico and USA should be lowered even more. Good work.

agree this is why I wanted to find better solution to this unrealistic rating by SI
Problem, I can't be objective using my evaluation so i used FIFA ranking .. which is debatable but at least will rank countries according to their results
the only problem in FIFA ranking is fact that it didnt get the scale difference between continent right, this is why I give Europe and South america higher correlation , then Africa a different one, then rest of world, but agree, I may need to tune the difference even further

regarding Belgium and Uruguay argument, true, they are now better than Russia, but this is what is good about FIFA average ranking over past years, bcz it will take into account larger sample of time, there were moments Russia was better than Uruguay and Belgium were really below average side.. same happen to many countries, such as Bulgaria who reached world cup semi final and they had an amazing side
#309591 Youth Rating
Shwan Chalabi
9 years ago
9 months ago
well pls update me on that , I think is just a case, please try it and come back to me
in theory, it shouldn't change alot, bcz i kept Hierarchy as I kept the top (Brazil) as it is , just relocated countries according to their avg ranking in FIFA
is average anyway for potential ability, not all players will reach their potential anyway
but sure if FM did ranked top one which was Brazil wrongly, am more than happy to reduce all skills down, i just didn't want to change top value bcz i trust FM had tested it over the years bcz tbh is same value since years