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#738748 Moving My Documents\Sports Interactive to the D Drive
Well least now it's been flagged or deleted and nobody will follow their advice.
#738743 Moving My Documents\Sports Interactive to the D Drive
You do realise your responding to messages from back in 2019 😂
#736936 Trophy Presentation
I am having no luck seeing the trophy presentation at the end of the match when my team win the league. I have tried changing the graphic quality to high, then very high and changed the highlights to comprehensive or even extended. Anyone got any suggestions?
When does the Portuguese transfer window shut because I've read it was 31st Jan, and earlier today I have read that it's today.
Anyone know for definite?
#726641 Harrison Ashby
Can't find the contract end date for this player but it definitely isn't 30/06/23. Newcastle haven't paid £3 million for a player to give him a 6 month contract.
#726634 Henrique Araújo
No worries at all. I actually noticed it in another save but the players weren't that good and the clubs didn't bother signing them. So wasn't an issue
I am actually going to start a new save tomorrow or Thurs because today is deadline day so makes more sense I guess. So if there's option fee for this player then so be it.
#726625 Henrique Araújo
I've started a new save with Benfica and this player has a loan option future fee of £6.75 million.
There's no clause at all for this player to stay with Watford after his loan spell. He's to spend the rest of the season at Watford and then returns to Benfica for the start of next season
#725509 Youth Intake Broken
You're best to contact SI on their website and ask them the question.
#724838 Trophy Celebration
I know you can only use one at a time. The podium pack download I've kept on my desktop and copied the Croatian league folder and pasted into the Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023 folder
#724835 Trophy Celebration
I've downloaded the podium pack on here but when my team wins a cup there's no trophy presentation. I was wondering what settings on match to use, I am using high graphic quality and watching key highlights of the game.
If anyone can help that would be much appreciated
#724045 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
It's ok mate, I would rather use your skin. It's no big deal, just wasn't aware if it worked or not on your skin. Thanks for clearing that up
#723904 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
I was wondering if anyone using Flut skin has downloaded the Japanese league and players etc?
If so, does the club overview work? I know there's a download for the club overview and it states it works with various skins but doesn't tell you the skins it works for.
#723859 French National Team Pics
Got it eventually, the Dutch were missing pics as well. Only downside is as I am through my first season the German and Japanese players are missing but I think after the next internationals they will reappear
#723852 French National Team Pics
Still not working, I deleted those folders first then copied the 3 from the download and pasted them in the correct path. Just seems odd it's only the French national team who pics do not appear.
#723849 French National Team Pics
The German and Japanese national teams are fine, and all the Portuguese teams have their full names as opposed to abbreviations
I'll download the real name fix again and will probably be asked to overwrite some files, so I'll go ahead with that
#723830 French National Team Pics
I have the latest updates with the Facepack but for some reason when I click on the French national team there's no profile pics. If I click on any club team with French players those faces don't appear but everyone else does. Never come across this before, every other national team is fine.
#722271 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Great work once again Flut 👏
#721948 Jean Carlos
Yeah no problem at all
#721895 FM23 TROPHY PODIUMS v2
Hello and Happy New Year
Could I request both the Croatian Cup and League Podiums please?
I think the Croatia league is Supersport HNL and the cup is Hrvatski nogometni kup
#721784 4-1-4-1 Domination
Any tactic would work with PSG. Not exactly hard to do well with them.
#720560 FM23 TROPHY PODIUMS v2
Would you be able to add in the Scottish Premiership as well as the Scottish Cup please?
#719634 FM23 TROPHY PODIUMS v2
Alright mate,
Would you be able to add the Canadian Premier league podium please?
#719084 Stats
I was wondering where in the game you can find stats like highest/lowest earner in team, tallest/shortest player in the team, average age, and number of international players. In previous FM's there was a page detailing all those and other stats
#718790 FM23 TROPHY PODIUMS v2
Brilliant thank you very much
#718764 FM23 TROPHY PODIUMS v2
Great work, when in time would you be able to to add the Australian A league please.
#717571 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Sorry Flut I got it fixed, just had to clear the cache and reload. I forgot to edit my previous msg 👍
#717452 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hi @flut
Are you able to share a link for the previous skin please
All my backgrounds are gone now due to the dark skin, so if I am able to use the previous skin I'll get them back
#716169 [FM23] AroundTheGlobe - Megapack by DaveTheEditor
Epic stuff mate 👌
#716073 Martin Boda
No worries 👍
#716052 Martin Boda
States that he has signed a contract