Giorgio Gandolfi Activity
It's an XML file: put file in “C:\Users\[Your User name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\editor data”next open FM24 editor: (1, select 24.3 DB. 2, press OK) (1, press “file”. 2, press “import”)(select this file, next pres...
I tried using the same settings on the previous file. The first season works correctly, but then, in the following ones, the transfer market doesn't open. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Thanks.
I tried the settings and I find them very enjoyable. There's just one thing that bothers me: the limit on warnings. I think it would be better to use the formula from the Italian Serie A (5-9-12-14-15).
I followed the procedure, and in 'real' games, it actually works perfectly (I'm managing Milan and I can see various newgens in my team and others with AI-generated faces). However, if I start a new game with the 'fake players' option enabled, the procedu...
I followed the procedure, and in 'real' games, it actually works perfectly (I'm managing Milan and I can see various newgens in my team and others with AI-generated faces). However, if I start a new game with the 'fake players' option enabled, the procedu...