13 years ago
2 months ago
Swear to god I fucking hate women, fucking head fucking fucked in the head cranks. Time to go and have another 173 kids.

Hahahahaha! This made my night! Happy Chappy I see
18 years ago
1 month ago
Subway can fuck off as well.
18 years ago
2 months ago
You must've impregnated half of Liverpool by now.
18 years ago
1 month ago
My Sperm has been places alot further than home as well.
18 years ago
1 month ago
A cripple favourited my profile on POF, would anyone consider it unethical if I expected a blowjob from someone in a wheelchair if I made the effort to speak to her? Serious question.
13 years ago
8 years ago
A cripple favourited my profile on POF, would anyone consider it unethical if I expected a blowjob from someone in a wheelchair if I made the effort to speak to her? Serious question.

I would treat it the same way as a fat bird. After all they are both disabilities in one way or another.

"Fat girls need love too" is the often used line, so why cant it be "lasses in a wheelchair need love too"?
12 years ago
4 years ago
It'd be morally wrong if you didn't expect a blow job from her if you do that with people without disabilities. Treat her the same as everyone else.
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
Accepted an offer from the Nanyang Technological University (in Singapore of course) in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering course.

Fucking sick of EEE after 3 years of it in polytechnic, but I suppose I'll have to make do - it's a top local university after all.
Deleted Account #151676
Anybody see Corinthians tribute to Ayrton Senna on the 20th anniversary of his death?
16 years ago
4 years ago
Please tell me they kept it on for all 90 minutes
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
I would treat it the same way as a fat bird. After all they are both disabilities in one way or another.

"Fat girls need love too" is the often used line, so why cant it be "lasses in a wheelchair need love too"?

I dont think letting Deano put his cock in your mouth counts as love.
15 years ago
7 years ago
I dont think letting Deano put his cock in your mouth counts as love.


You mean he lied to me?
Deleted Account #151676

You mean he lied to me?

Lying is cheaper than rohypnol.
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
Open invite for someone to come visit me in Liverpool. We can go out, party, play FIFA, talk FM, meet my friends, go to the big Asda, you can sleep in my living room, you can have one Irn Bru can, I'll pick you up from the train station, I'll show you my Panini sticker collection.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Only if we can go to Ruby Sky's
15 years ago
4 months ago
If you value your eye brows and leg hair, don't get drunk and fall asleep at Skacel's.
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
Only if we can go to Ruby Sky's

No, I like Raz.

If you value your eye brows and leg hair, don't get drunk and fall asleep at Skacel's.

I play hard.

14 years ago
8 years ago
Is anyone else's google chrome not working for them? Mine won't even open now. Doing my head in because I have to use Mozilla Firefox and its fucking atrocious.
Deleted Account #151676
Is anyone else's google chrome not working for them? Mine won't even open now. Doing my head in because I have to use Mozilla Firefox and its fucking atrocious.

Chrome is working fine for me.
14 years ago
8 years ago
Going to try uninstalling it and reinstalling it again. Laptop only 9 months old. Ugh
14 years ago
8 years ago
It says my Google Chrome is incompatible.

Slashman - you work with computers (I think) any idea on how to fix this?
14 years ago
11 months ago
Had a great last six hours:


Need to cut the fat off it, down to maybe 70-80,000 words, but I'm kind of, almost, maybe happy with the ending. I have spent a while umming and ahhing over it.
18 years ago
4 months ago
Is anyone else's google chrome not working for them? Mine won't even open now. Doing my head in because I have to use Mozilla Firefox and its fucking atrocious.

I've had no major problems with Google Chrome since I've started using it, has been times it wouldn't open but I just restarted my laptop and then it loaded again.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Had a great last six hours:


Need to cut the fat off it, down to maybe 70-80,000 words, but I'm kind of, almost, maybe happy with the ending. I have spent a while umming and ahhing over it.

Good job!
14 years ago
14 hours ago
Other than eBay does anyone know of any sites that sell cheap or even 2nd hand tv's?
14 years ago
8 years ago
Is anyone here from Belfast or is anyone familiar with the city?

Heading their on Thursday for the Giro d'Italia which starts on Friday. I'm heading up on my own, so I've a few questions for anyone familiar with the place.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Got my results from the SweSAT today. Scored a perfect 20/20 on the English reading comprehension.

I absolutely fucked up the maths section of the test though, as expected.
Deleted Account #151676
Other than eBay does anyone know of any sites that sell cheap or even 2nd hand tv's?


Facebook also has loads of groups for buying and selling locally.
18 years ago
4 months ago
Is anyone here from Belfast or is anyone familiar with the city?

Heading their on Thursday for the Giro d'Italia which starts on Friday. I'm heading up on my own, so I've a few questions for anyone familiar with the place.

What do you need to know? I'll try to help you.
14 years ago
8 years ago
What do you need to know? I'll try to help you.

Great, thank you.

1) How far from Belfast is Newtownabbey? And which bus do I get to get there?

2) Which bus can I get down to Armagh?

3) Which pub (s) would be best to visit?

4) I'll have a good bit of free time so what else is good to visit or do?

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