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the Image is on my HDD → I selected the Image from HDD → pressed submit → Error with wrong URL occured
I never tried to upload the Image via an url, but the error occured and the selected image disappeared next to the field “Image”
If it's on a local drive, use the choose file function to upload the image.
Use the image URL function only if you're uploading directly from a website (e.g. www.website.com/player_image.jpg)
I know, it is not my first upload 😀
the problem is exactly that this did not work, the error is not what I tried to do - like you want to drive a car and error says: “you can't use a boat here”
Thanks for the heads-up @Armamaddon and also @Ttggfr who raised this issue 👍
@Footygamer, it seems that one cannot upload individual images from a local drive. You get the below message even if you aren't uploading from a URL.
Sorry! Fixed now 🙂
Thank you, everything working now 🙂
A few issues:
Hi @Footygamer I would be very pleased if you added a blue “in progress” under packs in the submissions system. It is very simpel a button that that link to this page I'm asking for : https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/submissions/1/queue?type=&status=inprogress&inpack=yes&game_item_id=&submit=1
(in pack and in progress)
I think it would be nice to have both for the “cut out” and “background” submission system. So you quickly can see how many is in progress and so you don't forget about them 👍
@Qvordrup I added a link but no count. The counting was just taking too long so the page was really slow and it's already pretty slow as it is.
That whole little section needs a little rethink and redesign I think, it's quite jumbled right now.
Great 😀👍 for the sake of symmetri could you switch the places of “view all packs” and the new “packs images in progress” button. That way the “submissions” and “packs” looks alike 😀, and hopefully at some point in the future the count will be added to the new button 😀.
I made it separate because the other ones link to “packs” and that one links to “submissions” which I thought was confusing
@Footygamer The button does not link to the correct page. It links to “in progress” and in pack “any”. That means all that are in “progress”. The right link is “in progress” and in pack “in pack”. Hope that make sense 😀. Perhaps that makes it possible to add count 🤷♂️
@krissmed i've now made it so that you can submit game ready images even when you have reached the maximum number of pending source images.
You now need to choose the type you want to upload before the form shows.
@mons your help text is also included
This should be fixed now
I don't think that's related to our code but something browse specific, what browser/operating system are you using?
Windows 10/Chrome 96.0.4664.45. I tried in Firefox just now to see if it's browser-specific, and the left sidebar still has the horizontal and vertical sidebar (despite using a 1440p monitor!), but refreshing the page works properly in Firefox and returns to where I was scrolled to before.
It's good that a search function for pack name or team has been added in the cut-out pack submissions page here, but it's had the unintended side effect of some of the information of the pack not being immediately visible
One has to scroll to the bottom of the page, and move the scroll bar to the right:
and when you do, the pack's name is not visible
It'd be better if either the text in the columns is wrapped into a smaller area so that it fits the full screen, or probably if the filter option is placed either above the first row as below or somewhere where it doesn't stop the full display of the pack info:
Also, previously when a search was filtered, like this one for example, you would get a list of pages for that particular filter similar to the list of pages in a thread like this one. This is no longer available and was particularly useful in navigating to the final page for instance, but also in visually being able to see how many pages of images were in that filter. Would be nice if it were made available again…
I removed that because it quite significantly increased the speed, especially when using the search for a team/division/nation.
I can bring it back, but at least during testing I found the the speed more annoying than not being able to see the count
@mons wanted to avoid quoting your huge comment but i've edited the packs layout to fit everything in, I don't think anything is lost really, the ID didn't seem necessary and i've dropped the author down alongside the date
Would having a first/last button alongside the previous/next ones have this effect too? I just don't want the older pending requests to be so hard to find.
I just added a sort order so you can see the oldest first?
Good enough for me 👍 Thanks 🙂
Another minor issue: it's fine that when a staff member uploads a game ready image, it is automatically marked as complete. This is now also happening for a source which, even when posted by a staff member, still needs to be cut out 😉
i.e. when a staff member uploads a source image, it should be categorised as pending, not complete 🙂
After the latest changes when you try to Upload Response to a single submission, it sends you to unfilled Ctreate Submission page.
It leads you to: https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/submissions/create/1?response_to_id=2076143
But after you select game-ready, it opens https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/submissions/create/1?type=completed
I tried the Upload Image button on the timeline and it works fine there.
Fixed 🙂
Sorry, I definitely rushed these changes and didn't test properly 😢
When I try to submit a cut for a source, I click submit, and it brings me to this screen.
@NassFas I'm so sorry I left some debugging in, should be fixed now