SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Bolid is still working on them as it has taken alot longer to make English kits this year than previous years due to a large number of complex designs and patterns, my estimate is the release will be in the next week or two.
Would some kind soul be able to make these into kits i could use in game please.
add them to the source images submissions system and one of the kit makers may be able to pick them up and make them for you
@tugboat you can use the new search and browsing system to look for them.
If you're struggling to use the search this thread is about the new system and any feedback about what issues you faced with it can be posted in here, but not requests for actual kits.
Where are the new submissions? Things are getting confusing here and i can't find the actual new submissions.
Edit: Okay, all good, i found it.
@ninebar any feedback about what you were struggling with is always helpful. Where were you looking and what could be done to make it easier to find and less confusing?
I was looking for this page. Found it, Thanks.
Alot of people are submitting FC'12 Kits as sources which can be quite confusing when browsing since they look like finished kits at a glance, you have to double check that they are infact FC'12.
There is definitely an automated way we can display the FC'12 version if there is no other source available, this would make things easier for creators and mean people don't waste their time submitting them manually.
Would that be okay @einherjer83 ? (You can see what I mean if you look at @luk3c3s4r 's submissions here )
Offcourse! 😁
@Footygamer and @Ajdemi Popushlicx Ajdemi has uploaded a lot of images to the submissions system and there are two things that I don't know how to moderate 🤷♂️
First I believe they are all “game ready” images and not sources, second they are marked as 24/25 season??
Ajdemi Popushlicx
Sorry. I am new here and new to making kits. I am not sure to which category I should put them. (If I select game ready, then 414x414 is required.)
They are game ready, yes.
The shirts are mainly fantasy but there is no better options for those clubs.
If anything, they look as good as possible.
Hi guys,
I'm having a little problem and was wondering if someone could know what could be the issue. I've downloaded and installed the SS kits as I usually do for any previous FM opus. I respected the tick/untick boxes in the settings. The kits (included in the pack) appears on the game interface:
It seems it concerns the leagues that the game normally has licenses to supply the original kits. Does someone know what could cause that or how to fix it?
Thank you.
the SS Kits section here is for official, real life kits and not fantasy ones (perhaps that could be explained more clearly on that page).
There's a thread for SS Fantasy kits here instead
eddy wood wood
Exact same for me, can anyone shed some light on why this occurs and why so many kits are missing?
Hi all,
I have read through this thread and do let me know if I missed it but how do I now download whole packs, can only figure each kit individually under the browse section now.
For example I can see the 2024 kits are done for Spanish First division but do not see how to download all the kits in one go like before when packs were uploaded?
Well @hammer9 wanted us to have a hybrid system so he could continue the old way but he's now gone offline without word for 2.5 months which is making things confusing for everyone and why there's a delay in the megapack being updated.
As it stands as a non premium member you have to download the entire megapack.
I will release a new megapack today or tomorrow.
Sorry i'm only just catching up to this from my todo list.
It looks like you deleted them all? Are they worth recovering and setting the proper type and year?
It is not me who deleted them. If you read through this thread they where “fantasy” and not real kits. So they where SS' kits and not source pictures, but fantasy.. so the whomever deleted them did the right thing 👍
hariz zakwan
My river plate and boca kits didn't got accepted
I think it was simpler… and quicker on the old request method… I've uploaded the entire portuguese league kits on the new request mode and only 7 are done… But maybe there are no a lot of people making kits…
If it is a source image they won't be marked accepted once a kit maker makes the kit they will be marked as completed, Only game ready kits will be accepted
With this new system (all my kits like im guessing most others are organised by countries) how can we tell which kits belong to which country? The new system is confusing and why has it been changed? Thanks
@Footygamer I know I had a different opinion when this system was set up. But now I think it would be best if the 3D kits had their own browsing and submissions system. The 3D kits are by all likelihood also used by people who use the FC'12 kits and it is also actually more active than the SS' kits right now.
So for a variety of reasons I think it would be more appropriate with a separate browsing and submissions system for the 3D kits:
Exactly. I don't even play with the 3D view, only 2D. So having the kits mixed up creates a lot of confusion for me.
Additionally, it would be better to have separate folders for each nation/division, so I can easily see which nations or leagues are missing kits.
@Cizzu the browse section should have information on what's available same as the cut out faces , I can't remember why it's not showing, it may be some complication with splitting by years.
In terms of folders per division, i'm not sure how that would work in December and May with all the promotions/relegations, if you have some idea in that regard i'd be all ears.
There was a plan to release a desktop application to help view and manage your graphics folders but it's one of the many things that's stuck on a long todo list.
hi, if I modify some shirts (e.g. adding sponsors, missing parts), can I post them again? How should I mark it?
@trkar68 You can post unrealistic kits to the fantasy kits thread
If they're accurate to real life you can submit them to the submission system
@Footygamer I didn't explain myself well; I have already posted a real kit and it is now active. If I want to change it what should I do?
There should be the version of the actual database, actually it is a big mess, this is what I said from the beginning. I have a very detailed order like kits\confederation\country\league\…
as we also have FC'12 kits and some kits in SS style which stand alone it should be in some way ordered, at least by country, best by country+league. Some people may use all, but others may not need e.g. Bhutan.
There is a breadcrumb-navigation to localize the submission, maybe use this as folders. (don't know if this is possible)
“There should be the version of the actual database” the problem with this is that some people want to keep their kit folders from year to year so they at least have last years kit if the new kit hasn't been released. If we then release Luton in a Championship folder they'll still have last years Luton in a Premier League folder, it becomes a mess.
Also not everyone agrees it should be the version of the “actual database”, see here @bolid74 asked for it to be updated to the 24/25 database. If not everyone agrees what structure to use it seems impossible to use a structure?
“I have a very detailed order like” And again the emphasis here is “I have", your detailed order may not be the same as other peoples, who's preference do I listen to?
The original plan was to release a desktop app which would have solved these discussions by letting you rename and reorganise the files named by ID however you like, the reason it wasn't released is threefold (1) lots of other people promised they were releasing one but never did (2) I get distracted with people asking for work on other things like the data update and stopped working on kits (3) i'm scared FM25 is going to change things drastically so I don't want to spend weeks working on something that will be dead in a couple of months.
I know @xbenjaminx is working on one but I don't know if it will have the features we need to rename/reorganise kit folders.
Maybe i'll get another chance in the next few weeks we'll see.