Billgates - Comments

#562098 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
i really dont get all of far as i see SI jus don't anyone to mess with their product...just take it has they give you are leave it, which is poor, since everywhere else game devs works with the fan community...the only result will be a better product...personally i dont think they need to release a 'new' games every year that has only a few different features where they could just let you pay for a downlable yearly update.

i tried the mod, haven't spent much time with it yet but am looking forward to. i always watch my games on full match and this mod really makes the movement lifelike. Really dont get Neil Brock comment about making the play unrealistic when their original engine is a joke, players always passing to none etc. i wasn't able to get what i call realistic scores unitl i instant resulted a few matches on this mod...

thanks @Billgates, does seem to work on FM Touch too...looking forward to many full matches.

It works in FMT as I heard. In android, you can find folders with the end of simatch-physics. In ios, I think possible but not sure. And maybe people need some tools I think, like ifunbox or somehow
#562003 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
I don't recommend posting in SI's forums, because there is extreme censorship, users are paid to write positively about FM (astroturfers or shills) and everything is done to present FM to the outside world as a perfect game without any flaws.

Even some users who focus on the tactical part of the forum pretend that their input has some deeper meaning, ignoring the fact that the state of the ME does not even allow tactics to work as intended. It is nothing but hypocrisy and denial.

Since I am open-minded, I have tested your file. The results are actually more realistic (even if there are still a little too few goals on average; you should aim for 2.6-3.2 goals per match in the top league, it's currently at about 2.3-2.5 from what I've seen, but still better than SI's work). Many teams are still playing a bit too risky (high number of misplaced passes in the range from 70-79% from some decent teams), but the possession percentages are worlds better than SI's work. I respect your effort, because I once reworked and improved EA's disastrous Simsettings.ini and Managerai.ini files myself and encountered disastrous bugs on the part of the programmers. I am not one hundred percent convinced of your work, but I can imagine that more is hardly possible because SI's regressive product doesn't allow much more. In any case it is noticeably better than the original json file. Therefore: Good work.

Just because people somehow got a job and get paid for it doesn't mean they are good at it. And most of the time, unfortunately, a large team of programmers will produce nonsense because there will always be mercenaries, and, in the end, a team can only be as good as their worst link.

Everyone knows it. And I think you also know why I posted this file. If I wanted for myself, I would do something more
#561993 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
I posted about match engine patch on SI forum. Here you can see screenshot I’ve wrote and what message I got, in English though it’s Korean website:
#561951 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
@Billgates How could you add strings to the file, your file has some strings that doesnt in original file? I mean you just guessed that it should be a valid string?

Yes. Just guessed and tried. It doesn’t take much time to modify as txt and watch then watch the matches. And also not only what I’ve added but also all of words and even words not in json file worked somehow. But I won’t add more words. This is so hard to test alone without any reward.
#561826 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
So, after this, FM20 will be FM definitive version?!?!

What is the original site of this mod? And what is the last version? I need to try this one also.


This is the last one for now. Fmkorea link is the original site I have posted
#561773 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Mr. "billgates"
thanks for your work and thanks for the maybe future next Update Version for this Match Engine .
i want to use them.

it is possible to set the Match Engine Graphics ( Turf, Stadium, like that) in higher Resolution Value?
Can you check, if you can include that?
example to set for all People with high end pc, the Staff to 4k, to download,
and the other download version is for normal pc user, so the Graphics are default..

other Idea...
it is maybe possible, that you and your "Korea Team" can look at the Sound Files from the fm20?
maybe you and your team can change these files, to get it possible, to include atmosphere in the match engine, when we watch a game...
( example possible to use, chants, goal sounds, stadium athmosphere, you know.)
"Preds" create amazing quality sound files for pes2020 here:
it would be amazing, to use that ( example) in football manager + your Match Engine Mod for better Gameplay

a dream comes true...

Thanks for answering, maybe i can explain in details to you
i am from Germany..

I'm not coder or programmer. Just got a way to modify from my community person and modified it with my standard for balance. But when I tried many things to make better engine, I saw some archived files (fmf) have factors about graphics, such as. anm files. I can't even open, maybe if someone can use graphic tools for these, he will be real legend
#561524 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Is there a version for FM2019?

No, different
#561523 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
As I've posted on FM Scout today this is by far the best mod I've ever seen for Football Manager and is a truly astonishing & fantastic piece of work. The ME now feels like it should, it flows & its far far more watchable. The biggest compliment I can pay it is to say it feels like FM12's stunning ME.

Thank you very much.

I will post there after next version is done. Your welcome
#561353 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Oh alright. Well, I'm just happy that I got this right now to play with. Really a big improvement. Don't get me wrong, I have always loved the game, but this just adds to the modding scene, on a whole new level. I just checked out the Korean forum, can't fathom I have never seen it before now. Seems like a really big community. Hopefully some more Koreans will, just like you, bring some of their stuff over here, or another international FM forum. This is really good Billgates, keep up the good work. Oh, and do let us know if you plan on updating this for FM21. I think many will think twice about buying or not, depending on something like this getting updated early on.

Hopefully, SI wont block your chances of making this better in the future, would be a real shame.

buddy I'm working for next version. Can you help for simulating matches together in discord?
#561303 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
I am congratulating and thanking you for your work. XD

What is meaning of players in Brasil?
#561293 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
@Billgates Congratulations and thanks for sharing your good work. Players in Brasil are testing and enjoying their "modification" a lot

Sorry I don’t get it
#561266 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Are you telling us, you got more versions of this?

Dude, bring it on. I would love to try all 5-6 engines in my lower leauge save. If you already got 5-6 of them, I'm guessing you got plans to mix them up, to get the best possible outcome at the end? I don't mind testing.

I'm not sure everyone will like this, or everyone understand the meaning of it. But for most trying it, would I believe it will have a big positive impact in this community.

Actually this is the last version. From 1-5 version, I’ve tried plenty of things and this one is mixed of all previous versions by making it stabilized. But surely previous versions have different parts and some of my country’s community people like different versions, also other people’s engines. Because 21 will out soon I wanna see it first before posting more modified one than this last version. Yet I will try posting previous things and I will mention you after it’s done. Thanks for your detail feedback. All world is same lol
#561261 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
i am blown away by it how has this guy done this, i have tried it and i can not believe my eyes, SI need to hire this guy makes me think he could of worked for them before.

What a horrible recommendation lol
I think they will block the way to modify firstly. Thanks for feedback
#561257 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Sounds promising. One thing that's been bugging me lately is my players' tendency to always try and head the ball towards the goal, even when they're in a position far from goal and in a tight angle. I've encouraged short passing, slower attacks etc. and yet they cannot seem to try a knockdown or a headed square pass to their teammate in a better, more central position. Don't know why.
Anyway, I'm excited to test this file and hope it has a positive effect on the realism of the game.

Even in my community, there are more engines made by other people. Because not everyone likes the same style engine.

Some guy found a way to modify before in my community. Then 2-3 more people started to make their own style engines. And I made it on my style for a month. Before posting all of my 5-6 different engines, I wanted to know firstly if this version is fine for everyone who likes fm, cause this one is the most commom version of I made.
#561255 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
This has made me seriously consider not buying fm21, this is the best file i have ever downloaded.

It’s good to hear that you feel better with game
#561254 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Alright, I wanted to update anyone considering trying this, and reading the post before doing it.

This is legit, the best mod for FM20, or any FM I have played in the past 15 years. I got +20k hours in total in this game, and have never had a mod that changed the games more then this. And in this case, in a positive way.
I can't claim, what will happen to my save in the long run, but so far, after 10 games with this mod on. Have it changed completely how I play, or for now, at least how I watch matches. Down the road, am I sure it will change how I make tactics, and proberbly what stats I look for in players, traits, roles, etc etc.

I mostly play lower leagues saves (journeyman,) and got quite the amount of great tactics, training schedules, filters and so on, that I have tweaked over the years. I got a feeling I need to revamp everything I have learned. Oh, and yes. That is a brilliant thing.

I do believe this mod makes the game harder. At least for quite some time, since you need to almost, learn a new game. And adapt to the new stuff happening in the games. And trust me, there are plenty of changes, and they are definitely not only improvements physically speaking, but also how players react to traits, tactics, set pices, etc. etc. Again, I have no idea how the guy created this or how much he changed, but everything just seem more potent, and yet more real. It creates that odd feeling, that there are more intensity and realisme to the games then before, a lot more of it actually. Like I said, I play lower leauges, currently in Wales division 1, and I see my players with odd numbers do odd stuff now. I Got a winger with 13 dribbling, 12 acceleration and (try more tricks) trait. He is doing bits to those poor backs on the other teams compared to before. But on the other hand, I noticed him coming up against a really good Left back, with some heavy numbers in physical, specially strength and he was just beaten time and time again on good tackles, pace, constantly fouled by that left back and ended that match with 6.3 overall, even tho rest of my team where doing good, and we won. You might think, you would see this in the normal match engine. But really, no, you wont. Not like that at least. Its hard to explain, so go download it yourself and try it.

I would highly suggest to watch a game in full the first time, to get an understanding of how well and real it feel, compared to the normal match engine. This is above and beyond, what I could imagine SI do in many years to come.

Thank you. Some other man found a way to modify before in my community. And I made it on my style for a month. Before posting all of my 5-6 different engines, I wanted to know firstly if this version is fine for everyone who likes fm, cause this one is the most commom version of I made.
#561253 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Absolutely agree, I actually enjoy watching the game now, I play as Leeds and have just witnessed a 15 pass move resulting in a 1-2 in the box and a curled shot in the top corner from Rodrigo. It’s like watching sky.

The players look clearer as they seem more natural, love the body language when defending

SI need to adopt some of these mods and turn FM into the best of the best,

Whoever coded this-you are a legend my friend

Thank you. Some other man found a way to modify before in my community. And I made it on my style for a month. Before posting all of my 5-6 different engines, I wanted to know firstly if this version is fine for everyone who likes fm, cause this one is the most commom version of I made.
#561120 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
4 years ago
1 year ago
Are you sure this isn't a naughty hoax? 🤔 bad boy.

I’m Korean who has been Korean community ‘’. Some guy made successes to change engine with user patch. Because it is easy to change, everyone who has time and who can try make football balance, they can make their owns. You don’t need to download if you don’t want. Go to location I referred and check the file by opening json file with txt. You can make your own if you can change, handsome man.