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#730850 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
That did the trick @flut !
Thanks for this and all your hard work. This skin is truly amazing and makes the game so much better!
#730836 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hi @flut
Just installed V7 and for some reason my tactic screen now looks like this (below). No tactic visualization. Any idea for a fix to this?
And thank you for your great skin work year after year! Top man!
#691890 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Ah, great. Thank you very much @flut . Sorry again about the mix up here.
#691877 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Sorry @flut , my bad. I meant: Is there a way to get a different press room panel? I thoght that had something to do with the alt folder. I'm as naked as Adam when it comes to this so please bare with me :-)
#691854 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Sure @flut ,
Here you go:
#691822 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Hi @flut !
First: Thanx again for you time and commitment to this. Just Ace!
Question: In press conferences my wall is blue. I'm really no thech, so I don't know what to put in that alt folder to get my team or logos up there? Any pointers on this - anyone?
#669134 Adboard Patch removed from site
Getting tired of this constant corporate strain of creativity that enhances their game. @rabcp your time and your work is not in vain. Your efforts finally gave the game some soul and feeling of authenticity beyond logos and kits. Thank you. I really do hope you'll find a way to continue your work. The game needs talent like yours.
#669061 The ad boards...
So… I can't seem to find the forum any longer on here. Been off for the past two weeks so I might be getting my head kicked in here. But what's the story? Is it off or what?
#668568 sortitoutsi is officially 18 years old today!
Congratulations! Thank you for making the wolds greatest game even better!
#662724 No FM22 folder in Steam on x86 string?
Followed your advise on this, reinstalled and cleared the download cache as above. But still no other games than the old FM 21 on 86…?
#662723 No FM22 folder in Steam on x86 string?
Here are the paths @kingrobbo
No other games than FM21 in the steam folder…?
#662692 No FM22 folder in Steam on x86 string?
Lord… You live and learn, don't you… A GREAT BIG THANK YOU @kingrobbo
Got a bit confused as the istructions are specific on finding the files in the (x86) string (or Program files). It's allways been there in previous verions. Anyway, happy now. Thank's again kingrobbo! :-)
#662689 No FM22 folder in Steam on x86 string?
Just bought the game. Trying to add Real name fixes. First thing i do. Funny thing: I have no Football Manager 2022 folder in the (x86) string. Just Football Manager 2021 folder with the old db folders and its content:
Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2021\…
No, it's not in Program files or anywhere else, this is where all previous versions of the game has been stored. Yes I've re-installed the game. Yes, I've started a game.
Any one else experienced something like this? Any suggestion on basically what to do, very much appreciated.
#662575 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Hi all,
Just wondering: Would this FM22-project work on FM21 (as I still can't get the FM21 adboard project to work for me)?
Still, love your fantastic work!
#653164 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
I get it now @mons . Fidling around with it. Thank you.
#653060 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Yeh, well even the post pops a few questions for non-techs @mons
Anyway, I apprechiate your guide on this. Will report back with a Dummies walkthrough if I get it to play.
#653041 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Thanx for the tip @mons !
Do I simply change it to the C: or any particular place on C:?
Sorry to be a pain, but I'm REALLY no tech wiz :-/
#653023 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Hi everone!
Question: Does the Documets folder (where you have your FM21) need to be on the C: drive, as the Program files (x86)? In short: Do all files need to be on the same drive to display both static and video ads??
The reason I am asking is that I (perhaps embarrasingly) recently noticed that my Documents folder is on my E: drive. I have not been able to se the video ads in my game, and have been struggeling to figure out why. Could this be the reason?
#651683 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Hi @rabcp
I'm affraid I'm not sure what a “game pass version” is. I purchased the game through Steam as I've done ever since the game left the CD-tray.
#651660 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Hi @hannevold
I have manually removed all files and reinstalled everything from the bottom and up seven times now (including the release of 1.4), but sadly, no. Nothing is working towards getting video adboards to play for me. Statics are OK, so I have setteled for that - until a solution is found. I will, no doubt, still fiddle around, and will let you know if I manage to crack it
#646029 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hi @imba#7241
First of all you should use icons only in the side bar (see screenshot below).
When it comes to the kit view I'm not sure, but using the 2D kits for the Flut skin would be a good start. But do read through the OP. Quite a few pointers there, and also in the previous discussions in this thread.
#645963 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hi @imba#7241
Download available in the OP.
For your resolution issue, see Flut's answer to my problem above.
#645962 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Thank you very much @flut ! Fantastic work as allways.
#645895 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hello @Rosek
Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, sorry about the screenshot. Now included below.
I currently use 3840 x 2160 (at 110%) as it's the resolution preferred by my PC, but yes, I have tried other resolutions at different % but they do not fit my 28" flat screen well at all.
I only use skins made by Flut and have never in any previos version of 21, or even earlier years, encountered any problems what so ever usig his skins on my current PC.
From what I have gathered from other problems posted here I do have a resolution issue, but I am not technically competent enough to solve my own puzzle in this case. So, hopefully the screenshot, my current settings, and my screen size will make sense to a friendly soul on here.
Anyway, thanks again Rosek
#645783 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hi, all!
Yeh. I made the v16 work, but still strugling with the resoultion. During matches only half of the left panel (while waiting for highlights) was showing. So, I fiddled a bit around with screen size and resolution but to no avail. I'm on 3840 x 2160 at 110%. That worked well on v15, but at v16 I get that half left panel between highlights. As I said I fiddled around with other sizes such as 2560 x 1440 which the v16 is primarily set to, but no matter the % I can't get it to fir my screen. I've gone back to v15, but would prefer the v16, so any help very much apprechiated :-)
#645241 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Thank you very much @Jeff's72 & @flut! Clearing the skins folder bar V16 fixed it.
#645142 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Hi @flut , and everyone!
Funny problem never encountered on previous versions of the Flut skin:
When I choose the v16 skin on the preferance page, there is no way to confirm changes made - the Confirm button ramains inactive (see screen shots).
I tried a work-around by loading the standard FM skin, then choosing the v16, but it simply loaded the V15 again. Weird. Anyone experienced the same or know how to make the game load V16.
Anyway, thank you very much to flut and everyone who have contributed their precious time (and probably money) to make this fantastic skin!
#640131 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
OK. Thanx mate.
#639736 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
@rabcp Just so I understand you correctly: By a “fresh install” do you mean a complete removal of all FM-files (in all locations = manually)? I have uninstalled and then re-installed FM21 via Steam, sadly with no change in visual results.
#638816 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Well, I was fearing that option. Anyway, thank you for your work and advice on my case.