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#764725 Sas Skin 24
This seems to have worked after advancing about 2 weeks in game. Such a small detail that was so annoying.
Amazing skin, well played my friend
#764076 Sas Skin 24
My schedule keeps reverting to the standard “fixtures” view is there a way round this? (In simple terms if possible I have zero clues at modding.)
#757494 How to add yourself as a newgen in Football Manager
Does this work on the beta? Previously been able to change your Player Liaison + Press officer using this but hasn't worked when I've tried.
#756796 NewGan Faces Manager
Having he same issue, after running the msi it says press finish to exit set up but nothing happens from here and no sign of program, tried from the zip folder and after extracting the folder. On windows 10…..
I managed to get it working.
If you're on windows search for it and uninstall, then download and try again
#658805 FM22 editor issues[read the opening post prior to posting]
Is anyone else having an issue with newly created non players aren't appearing in game?
#513831 International tournaments
I have tried and still no luck. There must be a way round this?
#508032 International tournaments
#508000 International tournaments
#507244 PES regen faces into FM
I just got them in game, remove them from the folder 1,2,3 or 4 and put in main faces folder
#239848 Playing at wrong stadium....
In my save I am Palace, in the 3rd season the board agreed to expand Selhurst Park and I was to ground share with Chelsea at Stamford Bridge until 3 games until the end of the season...
Of the last 3 games one was at Selhurst and the other 2 away. Perfect!
Now, having started the next season openning game at home was played at Stamford Bridge again, although checking my schedule I was drawn at home in the 2nd round of the league cup, at Selhurst Park but all 'home' league games are to be played at Stamford Bridge...
Has anyone else experienced this and is there a fix?