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#810317 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
thanks it's working now 🙂
#810302 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
Hi @Footygamer, there is an issue with premium memberships, I have one and I cannot download any large files like faces or icons, because there is an error page, it's like my subscription is not valid…
#770915 Sas Skin 24
I can confirm, following the instructions, changing the size of the tablet and stopping it at the required size was successful and it works as it should, the new parameters have to be entered in 3 places, I entered exactly the same value in each, I did not even reduce in line 8 by the suggested 5 or 10 and it works. Thanks again for your help
#770477 Sas Skin 24
one more thing, how to adjust pizza chart to 4k resolution, now I have something like this, which doesn't look good :/ it's in polish if anybody asking 😀
#770381 Sas Skin 24
ok, thanks for quick answer
#770378 Sas Skin 24
after this update, I have a problem with the size of the tablet during a 3d match, I can't extend it to the whole size of the screen, so that I have the data on the left vertical (2 modules) and the rest is just the tablet (in version 3 there was no problem with this). In addition to this, the individual setting options on the tablet themselves in the various tabs have been locked and cannot be changed without other data (especially in the home and away tabs).
thanks 🙂
#711229 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Many thanks for your work @mons, I really appreciate it. I have one issue with Juventus, which is kind strange for me. Namely Juventus u23 is zebre u23… all other juventus teams (both first and youths) are correct.
#711000 [FM23] - Polish lower leagues (down to 4th level) (23.4 version)
W jakim celu chcesz go otworzyć ?? Plik .fmf to plik edytora bazy danych, wrzucasz do folderu editor data i podczas rozpoczęcia NOWEJ gry zaznaczasz bazę danych dodatkową, z której chcesz korzystać.
#706341 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
true, unfortunately the basic skin does not support the backgrounds photos in my case either
#706200 FM23 Feature Drop Oct 13th - Data Hub, Versus Mode, Manager Creation, Pre Match Briefings
today for sure !! 🙂
#706198 FM23 Feature Drop Oct 13th - Data Hub, Versus Mode, Manager Creation, Pre Match Briefings
#672411 FM22 Increase Realism Megapack
Hi Guys! 🙂
so I have this strange issue, I mean I believe it’s an issue, if not please correct me. When I was playing using December update during the first transfer window (summer 2021) Paulo Dybala went from Juventus to some team (I don’t remember exactly which one for c.a. 15m EUR, now playing with January update, today I saw two transfers which I think are not correct: pavard from Bayern to inter for 15,5m EUR and Dani Cabbelos form arsenal to inter for something around 18,5 m EUR. So please tell me if this is okay or is something wrong? I think the transfer fee should be bigger like 40-50 mEUR at least, apart from your patch I have real names agents and media overhaul addons in editor game data.
#635930 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
Oh yeah, maybe they changed the stadion to a different one, I didn't think about it, anyway thanks for the quick reply 🙂
#635908 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
Hi guys,
I have just one annoying problem. One of the team has inappropriate stadium picture, It's STOMIL OLSZTYN- originally form polish 1 League. It should has his own from Olsztyn, but it shows as Lechia stadium (from Gdansk), and when it comes to the match, we play it on Lechia Gdansk Stadium, not the Stomil Olsztyn one. Any guess how to fix it?