Rellom Q - Comments

#785266 FM.Challenge
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By Just Howie 09 June 2024 - 14:16 PM UTC 

The point is being respectful to other creators alot of panels made are custom made by the creator it is stealing work if you copy and paste. It's respectful to ask the creators to use their work .


If you can't see why this is wrong you're part of the problem and one of the reasons skin makers are less and less by the day. 


You're trying to justify yourself but how would you feel if I just copied your skin linked my YouTube said subscribe to me and change just the main menu screen. 

And again, stealing is stealing, copying is copying. Pretty different definitions. 


About being respectful, I agree. Though, I do not necessarily think permission is always needed in the modding community (kind of grey area), but credit should. Now Salah, did copy the credit, along with likely 10 different panels with slight changes, to create this Frankenstein. So the argument is, should he go around to each of these individuals, asking for permission, to copy it? Oh, and what about if some of those creators, had used something from someone else, maybe a code from 10 years ago, from a modder no longer active, should he still need permission from all those original creators? NO! 


Might be wrong, but there seem to be more skinners now then 5 or 10 years ago. There also seem to be more modders in general.


I'm making mods in other games, and encourage copying to make more and different content for everyone. This behaviour from modders, getting their feelings hurt be course someone is copying what they put out there to get downloaded for free to begin with, is silly, stupid, and straight up ridicules unless there were money involved (Which there never should be anyhow)


Sure, I'm maybe part of the problem, how you see it. But we likely want the same thing.


By Nicolas Yurchuk 09 June 2024 - 14:40 PM UTC 

probably most started their acquaintance with skinning by modifying other people's skins. but it's really very funny when the "author" runs to another forum to ask for basic advice on changing his "own" skin.
I think he should continue to study without publishing the results of his work. and in 2-3 years he might be able to publish his own skin.


I would rather play with it now. I do not care about his skills 2–3 years into the future, or him creating something unique. There are already so many good panels, and skins out there with unique stuff in them, but none of them combined in a way I wanted. This one does, and that is really all that matter to me.

#785232 FM.Challenge
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By sasmaz 09 June 2024 - 12:37 PM UTC 

the “credits" is even my credits he has just copy'd and only added his own name to the top


and if you look at the player profile, club info etc. you can see it's a full page steal with everything inside it


so yes, it's a full on stealing and added stolen parts from other skin makers

Copying is not the same as stealing. YOU didn't lose anything here, except from your respect as a creator. But what is the point here?

Is this about making better skins for the player base, or your honour? So here is the fact, his Frankenstein, is FAR better than your skin at the moment imo (overall), so for me as the user, him copying other's work, taking what he considers to be the best parts, is directly making the game better for me.


If I knew anything about skinning, I could likely do it myself, but that is my point. I do not, and nor do most who download skins. So I guess the question is, do you want me, or anyone else playing with this Frankenstein version, to stop playing with it, and play on what we consider a less suited option for us, to please you, as the original creator of a part of it? Since, that is what this is all about.

I understand where you are coming from, but as far I can tell, there is no money, power, or any meaningful metric involved in creating these skins, outside just recognition. Which 100% should be done. But after that … should modding not Just be about creating as many good options to play the game, for as many players possible?

#785178 FM.Challenge
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By sasmaz 09 June 2024 - 09:27 AM UTC 

So you steal most of my skin and some from others, 

and you didnt ask for any kind of permission or credit me anywhere


You should be ashamed

He likely took it from another Frankenstein, and didn't know it was originally your coding - As he does seem to credit a lot of other people.

Copying other's work, is not stealing. Never was, never will be. Though not nice to do without permission, and credit should ALWAYS be given.

#785113 FM.Challenge
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago

Current player overview in 5.3 is a massive downgrade compared to 5.1 version. Not only in terms of information, but also in terms of problems with scale issues on 1440p. 


Everything else, pretty good.

#709892 AdBoard Pack
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By mons 04 November 2022 - 08:44 AM UTC 

I've really seen no indication this'll happen tbh. I've been hearing variations of this same argument for years now, and I've been releasing the same structure of the real name fix for too many years to keep count and the structure of the various graphic files has been the same for many years as well. If SI intended to make it difficult for custom graphic creators, they're doing a pretty shitty job of it, frankly.


I agree that custom graphics are not the same as editing ads, to which there is a direct revenue-making element, so I can understand why SI might feel impacted about it.


We lost good old Zebra, but now we got Parthenope. I believe that is a new one. Enjoy 😀

Anyhow, I'm leaning toward the same pessimistic view as Charlston. They did hide the physical json file in FM21, so at least, I think they are trying to keep the modding at a level that only change cosmetics things. Though, that have always almost been true, I could see them deny more cosmetically changes such as pictures, if they have legal issues, with anything modders can change.


My thoughts is going beyond SI or FM, even further then gaming. I think the internet as a whole, will be less …open, in the future. Hopefully, that is only a pessimistic mindset.


#666683 Adboard Patch removed from site
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By MrGizMo 08 December 2021 - 06:34 AM UTC 

True thing. But we still dont know why SI asked for it. Dont know if adboard still work or if SI did something with the patch to get rid of it


As of right now, it still seems to be working in my save. 

I hope @rabcp  decide to upload it somewhere else, where SI wont follow, or wont have any sort of possibility of following up on a lawsuit, and I also hope SI wont make it impossible to change these files. But that is a lot of hope, as they clearly have only one interest at heart here, and that is money. 

My guess, like @Tommy Hughes suggested, it must have something to do with commercial rights, maybe legal issues duo to companies seeing their advertisement on YouTube from content creators, or something along those lines. A 3rd party is in play here, otherwise it makes no sense to change it now, rather then 10 years ago when the first 3D engine came out.

#666674 Adboard Patch removed from site
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By MrGizMo 08 December 2021 - 05:11 AM UTC 

You both got a point there! But some modders are already asking money for some stuff and maybe thats why SI is jumping in now.

Btw no post on SI forums? Nothing on Reddit? People are just going to accept this? 


I think there is a big difference between modders asking for donations, and actually locking content behind DLC. I might be wrong here, but I think there are only one modder who got content you got to pay for directly, (Priisek pro skin.) At least that is the only one I know about. 

I don't know about you, but complaining about it on the SI forums or reddit, is like shouting at a fart. Nah mate, I doubt much will change even if it became a big debate, which it wont. 

#666662 Adboard Patch removed from site
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago

Oh man, that is a big disappointment. I think @Tommy Hughes post says it all. Completely agree.  Unfortunately, I absolutely do think this will extend to kits, skins, logo, real names  … basically all mods in the near future.


This is only the begning, the end is very clear. Modding is a dying concept. Money talks, and players like us might just walk away, as this game without mods, is not worth it anymore. They do not give a flying **** about a few nerds getting upset. 

The reality is, most players do not use mods, and SI might go down the road of using DLC, but it will never be anywhere near the levels of details as the mod community have given us.  This is a sad day, and I hate painting all walls in black, but I really don't see any sort of positive outcome for us.

#642913 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By Mag1lc2 18 July 2021 - 17:30 PM UTC 

The 2560 x 1440 version can only be played with 100% zoom. But we have the greater resolution in order to have more space.
The fact that you cannot read this correctly is not a fault of the skin.


Therefore, your blanket statement from the previous post bothers me that something always did not fit with the WQHD version and would be wrong. Because that's not true.


With 100% zoom everything is fine. Nobody can do anything about the fact that you cannot read this, but you cannot blame the WQHD version for that and make a general statement that something would always be wrong with it.

So an skin, that should be optimized for 1440p, can only be played with 100% zoom?


Right, completely pointless then. Why would I want more “space” over being able to read and see what is in the boxes? 


This makes no sense to me, and is the direct opposite of optimizing a skin for a given resolution imo. 

#642896 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By Mag1lc2 18 July 2021 - 10:59 AM UTC 

Instead of complaining now, it would have been better for the errors to be reported via screenshot so that the creator can fix them. To suddenly announce that the WQHD version would never fit is absolute nonsense.


I was not complaining, more so giving my opinion on the matter. I'm not sure with what mindset Flut created the 1440p edition, but to me is it worse then the 1080p. Oh, and sure let me show you, and explain why I believe so. 


First off, I'm an old man (not really,) but I like to be able to see the text I'm playing with. That mean playing with 100% zoom on any sort of skin, is out of the question unless I played on a 24 inch 1080p screen. Since that is not the case, and I play on a 32 inch 1440p screen, I tend to zoom in. 


Alright, so lets look at profiles. This is 1080p version, with 125% zoom, which is what I normal use.

1080p 125% profile

Let's us compare that to 1440p with 125% zoom:

1440p 125% profile

I'm aware that the kits, would be an easy fix, so look past that. The scaling was clearly not intended with 1440p skin, as the boxes are very small, or way to big. Okay, so lets take a look at 110% zoom with the 1440p skin just for the sake of it.

1440p 110% profile

A little better, but to me, is the boxes still to small, or to big with wasted space, here on 110% zoom. Also, much of the text is getting a little small imo. Like I said, I like 125% zoom on a big screen. And finally, lets see it on 100% zoom like it was most likely intended to be used.

1440 100% profile

Right, so this might look sort of okay on a screenshot, but I can't read the text. Simple as that, and I also don't like the massives amounts of wasted space in the boxes, specially around the attribute box. This is all opinion, and mine is, that 1080p with 125% is by far an large the best when it come to the player profile.


Moving on to the home overview. Again, starting with 1080p 125% zoom.

1080p 125% Home 

Compared to 1440p with 125%, followed by 110% and 100%

1440p 125% home

1440p 110% home

1440p 100% home

A lot less scaling problems here on the Home overview screen, and the obvious difference to the managers bar is duo to changes between 1440p v14 and 1080p v16 … so this is a case, would it not really matter what version I used. On the other hand, let us take a quick look at the club screen with only 1440p 125% zoom and 1080p 125% zoom.

1080p 125% Club

1440p 125% club

The scaling problem with the numbers on the “last starting 11," only appers here on 125% zoom, and not on 110% and 100%


Alright, so I went on and took screenshots of pretty much all the different overviews and windows. Most of them are very similar to each other, when I compare 1440p and 1080p with 125% zoom.  Where I see the biggest problem with 1440p, is on the player window. Now, anyone could argue that the 1440p skin should be played on 100% zoom, and it would all be perfectly fine. Sure, but I can't see or read anything with that zoom … Like I said, this was never a problem to me, as the 1080p version is pretty much perfect on 125% zoom. 


Honestly, I'm just happy to have a skin that are so far and beyond better then the standard (purple,) hellish biblically side show, SI made. 


#642809 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By Mag1lc2 17 July 2021 - 18:45 PM UTC 

I can't confirm at all, it must be due to your configuration.


I can confirm this. Never really got the special version to fit at all, something always seems to be off and scaled wrong. 

To me, is the normal version with 125% zoom, by far and large the best option for 1440 screen.

#641318 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By fmilln7 06 July 2021 - 11:42 AM UTC 

will there be an update for it to work with FM21 as i cant seem to get it to work… thanks


No. You wont be able to make this work with FM21. SI decided to hide the files from us. But thankfully, have they also improved the overall experience with the engine massively in FM21 compared to previous years.


Still not perfect, but biggest (best,) match engine upgrade they ever did imo.

#574034 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
Rellom Q
8 years ago
16 hours ago
@Aldo Cachudo

/physics folder, is in the steam library, but SI decided to hide it in FM21. I doubt they will open up to more modding like this in the future.

