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Telegram Sam
Telegram Sam
It's hard to tell with him...
Telegram Sam
It must be said though that we could almost certainly bring Cesc back here if we wanted to, but I think Arsene has his sights sets on other targets. If we hadn't gotten Ozil last summer I think he'd be all over it.
Telegram Sam
Some people think he wouldn't ever play for a Premier League club other than us but if he's being forced out of Barcelona and Chelsea are the only club that wants him I think he's definitely leave.
Depends who you believe, I gues, Spanish media would have us leading the race. Chelsea seems such an odd destination given Mourinho's antics in Spain.
Not really sure how Chelsea is an "odd destination", irrespective of Mourinho's antics in Spain. It's probably the best destination for him if he was to leave Barca. He'd be playing his favourited central role in midfield, he'd be a first team regular along side Matic, and fits the exact mould of player we require to replace Lampard with. If Chelsea can actually sign him for the £30m or so that's been mentioned around the traps then it would be a excellent bit of business. Still only 27 and would be counted under the "home grown" status too.
I don't see Man Utd coming in for him and Arsenal don't need him, while also unlikely to go and spend that much on a player with the other options they have anyway. In terms of an EPL side Chelsea seems his best fit- if he was to be keen on a return to England of course.
I feel so much better for getting that off my chest.
Slashman X
Or for Liverpool fans: "I won't believe it until he's leaning awkwardly on something"
It seems slightly odd imo, that you've said 'irrespective' of the one thing I've actually said and then written a paragraph arguing against something I haven't.
Anyway, Mourinho apparently isn't keen because of his past with him.
The paragraph was meant to be separate from what I had said, just didn't break it up.
Also, if you're actually going to believe that link then I'd genuinely be worried. There isn't a single quote from Mourinho that states he wouldn't sign Cesc, while the first few lines of the article (if you can call it that) is enough to dismiss anything further written. Comparing Mata to Cesc is like comparing apples and oranges and have no connection other than both being Spanish.
Pogba won't be sold unless it's for something stupid (he's also happy in Turin). Hard seeing Koke signed either particularly when we're already seemingly going to sign Taigo, Filipe Luis and Diego Costa.
You're not seriously dismissing this because there's no quotes, are you? That's absurd.
I don't quite understand that you're so resistant to the idea that Fabregas and Mourinho's past has been rocky.
Whether thats a deal breaker or not is debatable, it probably isn't, you're right that there are a lot of sound footballing reasons to go there, its a job and you'll pay him well, and Mourinho's man management ability with his players, except from in Madrid, would probably win him round. You're also aided by the fact that no one else appears to want him, catching Fabregas somewhat between a rock and a hard place, but it's nevertheless a factor in why I wouldn't assume you to be his first choice, if all options were available.
I'm not resistant to it. I just don't think it would genuinely be as big of a factor as you believe it would be at the end of the day. He isn't the first player to have issues with Mourinho, nor will be the last. I simply don't see it, as you also mentioned, as being a complete deal breaker.
When you push that aspect of it to one side Chelsea as a destination does tick all the boxes. Naturally, Arsenal would most likely be Fabregas' preferred EPL destination, however they have his position well stocked and I cannot see Wenger spending £30m-£35m once again after spending big on Ozil last season. The here and now aspect of it puts Chelsea in front, if we are indeed genuinely interested. Which given his price, age, position, he ticks everything we're looking for and need. A deal for Cesc makes more sense than any other option we've been linked with. Plus, I think Barca will look to shift him asap so they can use that money themselves to get Koke. Only time shall ultimately tell.
Quotes would have helped be more convincing. Though, it being more of an opinion piece and merely regurgitated information leads me to dismiss it. Given I also follow Juventus, I am informed enough to know Juventus' stance on Pogba and his situation. Pogba won't be sold unless he either requests to leave or a ridiculous offer comes forth. If he doesn't re-sign to a new contract, which Giuseppe Marotta has said should be happening quite soon, then obviously a sale could be had. But we'll know when that happens because the likes of Madrid, Barca and PSG will most likely be amongst those interested.
And Marca's tapping up of Suarez has begun.
I think Hangeland is probably past it now unfortunately.
Slashman X
No. Just no. We'll get 6th again. Too many average players or players that can't be bothered most of the time. I really do hope Lamela can stay fit though, he only made something like 9 appearences last season and most of them were as a sub. I don't want another season of Townsend running around like a headless chicken.
City, Chelsea, United, Arsenal & Liverpool all going for 4 places. I honestly couldn't predict who will miss out on the 4th CL spot but it'll be one of Arsenal, Liverpool or United. Chelsea and City are set for an almighty battle for the title, especially if Toure stays.
Based Jorge
Early prediction of City winning the title again with Arsenal coming 3rd.
Slashman X