JasonTurkClarke - Comments

#652010 New in FM22: Data Hub
3 years ago
6 days ago
By mons 05 October 2021 - 13:45 PM UTC 

Nobody's making you read that @JasonTurkClarke, nor the pointless seemingly random capitalisation, actually. I've gotten along just fine in my careers without needing to do much more than dabble into the statistical information available. It's a nice-to-have aspect, but far from fundamental 😕


I  dont read it, my point is if they put all the resources into Match engine and graphics it would be best for everyone, as far as pointing out my as you put it (capitalisation) LOL which you spelt wrong BTW , capitalization's are used to emphasize something and are NOT pointless :0 :0 :0  what is pointless is wasting money time and effort in improving an aspect of the game so a FEW will be happy and not improving the parts that would make EVERYONE happy. But thank you Staff member for your snarky reply, i would say appreciated but it kind of wasn't.

#651915 New in FM22: Data Hub
3 years ago
6 days ago
By weeniehutjr 05 October 2021 - 12:42 PM UTC 

It might not be useful for everyone, but I'm someone who loves to pore over the data and stats from every match 😛 Streamlining the data presentation and making it easier to read will help a lot of people.


Help do what exactly? i get it, stats and info are good and make it a bit and i mean a BIT realistic but too much is pointless, 95%+ people download tactics that are tried and tested, all you need is to pick a player that suits the role. SOME actually created and try to make a tactic, but realistically, 95%+ get fed up and download a tactic, WHY because people always want to WIN. This pathetic need to win win win that comes from GAMES like FM21 and FIFA21 is making real human beings deluded as to what it takes in reality.  unfortunately too many people play this GAME and then believe they are real time highly skilled and have the ability manage a real club. I listen and see comments about REALITY, current football in real life and there are so many people talking S*** thinking they know it all. If the game wants to make it real then add features that REALLY effect the running of a club for a manager. Players health, physically and mentally - having an off day as many HUMAN being actually do no matter how famous or what they are being paid.  niggles picked up at training, arguments and all the other REAL factors that effect a real manager. This cant be implemented i know but why try make a simple game into something you need a degree in university to be able to get through a season.  If Football Manager wants to make the game FUN FOR EVERYONE then improve features that EVERYONE would enjoy. Match engine and graphics, if every single improvement was in this alone and it was more realistic to watch your team EVERYONE would be delighted. 

#651907 New in FM22: Data Hub
3 years ago
6 days ago

Far too much pointless information, this is a GAME, meant to be enjoyed and fun, do i really want to spend an hour crawling through pointless data, its a GAME FFS.