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#656259 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project
Can you post your xml file so I can check? It does sound like its format is incorrect
#653773 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
The template is still the same in FM22 :
#653636 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
Yeah I'll have a look once the beta is out 🙂
#651824 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Yeah absolutely, that's a great idea
All the code is MIT licensed so there is no restriction on reuse 🙂
Please tell me if you need help with the integration
#619260 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project
Well the easier way to create a 2d kit would be to convert from a 3d kit with the PS script :p You can also do it manually with this template (I think there are instructions bundled in the zip file)
I don't think there is any templates for gimp or other programs
#619232 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project
“Historically” there was no way of converting 3d kits to 2d (as far as I know), so this template using Photoshop is the only way available right now
We're still looking for a better and more scaleable way to convert kits with @wesfm18 but nothing conclusive right now so I'm afraid you're stuck with photoshop for now
#618110 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project
Yeah it's already the high version unfortunately 😢
#618009 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
This does look better, I'll change it in the next update 🙂
In the meantime, while I was getting the ball 3d model in the viewer I took this opportunity to write a tutorial, that I just published, here it is : https://github.com/alexmichelet/3dkits-viewer/blob/master/tutorial/TUTORIAL.md
It explains how to convert SIA files to OBJ files. It's not really straightforward, but I hope the tutorial can help 🙂
#617821 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project
The 3d model (used by the match engine) is kind of low-poly and overall not close enough to the standard 2d kits, I tried to use it as a base to generate 2d kits but the result is not that great imo, I get something like that :
which has obviously nothing to do with the standard kit :
The best thing to do would be to create our own 3d model dedicated to this thing (which would map the textures exactly the same way), but it seems very tricky and I'm absolutely clueless around any kind of 3d modeling software :p
Right now I'm focusing on developing a tool to automate this rendering from the 3d kits by using a 3d model, as for the model itself I guess I'll have to worry about it at some point ^^
#617735 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#617581 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Here you go :
windows desktop version : https://github.com/alexmichelet/3dkits-viewer/releases/tag/1.3.0
web app version : https://alexmichelet.github.io/3dkits-viewer/
#615345 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Here is the UV map for the sleeves : https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/bjUeofUxnQc6AuAn0VOHwQcDBS1C1jxMabNXs2pn.png
It comes from the file "kit_m_under_armour_sleeves" in the game, is that what you were looking for ? (tbh I didn't know there was so many different variations of 3d kits so I have to understand all the different files ^^)
#614913 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
basically a full 3D-to-2D kit converter that lets you choose what kind of 2d model you want and then render all your 3d kits in the same style
#613855 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
I may also write a tutorial to explain how to get these files from the game, if that's something some of you find useful ? (it's a bit tricky I warn you :p)
#613853 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Once unzipped it should works by executing 3dkits-viewer 1.1.0, it is a portable application that does not require any other installation
@hammer9 it's probably because of the lighting of the scene, I'll try to tweak it a bit, that goes on the to-do list 🙂
I've been (and still am) pretty busy recently so I can't really work on this project right now though 😢
#610485 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
I've added an option to show the position of numbers/name, could you please check if it matches what you're expecting?
I've used your templates @bolid74 but I can't check if it matches the game (I don't have the game on this PC, still on vacation :p )
(It only works when you load a custom model, it doesn't work on the default Lyon model)
It's only available on the web app right now, I'll release the desktop version later
I also edited the first post of this topic with every link related to this project
#609794 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
I don't have the 3d models on the laptop that I currently use, I'll have to look into that next week
I've just released a new version of the app with drag & drop support, the new version is here : https://github.com/alexmichelet/3dkits-viewer/releases and the web app is already up to date
#609456 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Next on the to-do list is a macOS version, and a drag&drop mode 🙂
#609418 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
I'm currently looking into creating a desktop version, as for the risk of disappearing, the whole project is open source and its code is available here : https://github.com/alexmichelet/3dkits-viewer
#608451 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
This thread is not about the kits but about a tool whose goal is to help kit creators, if you have questions about the kits you should ask them here : https://sortitoutsi.net/content/184/3d10-13-official-kits-thread?page=430
#608300 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
I'm currently on vacation so I don't have my desktop PC and I can't do much without it on this project, but I was able to tweak a few things though, to allow to reload by selecting the same file, let me know if that works for you 🙂
#605792 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Here they are with transparency :
#605775 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
(tucked and untucked)
And it checks out, the socks look a bit too short but I've tested in blender and that part is not visible because of the boots :
#605758 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
I wanted to find a 3d model or maybe a config file from the game files to have it exactly right, but that's actually a good idea. I think I'm gonna add an option to show this default texture over the loaded one
#605738 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
The game 3d models don't have the information on the position of the number, I've searched the game files to find something else in that regard but I did not find anything
I'll keep searching for now, but it's not likely to be a thing at this point
I may manually add a number to the models but it will probably be tricky to show the actual way it shows in the game without using proper game files
#582691 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
I'll look into adding the older model (FM17 & earlier) but it'll be a little bit trickier and will take more time
#582515 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Here we go : https://alexmichelet.github.io/3dkits-viewer/
Long/short sleeves, and tucked/untucked shirt
#582483 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
Yep, working on it 🙂
#582398 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
You can load any texture and see it in the 3D viewer.
The following FM games are currently supported :
- FM20&21
- FM18&19
The web app is available here.
The desktop version is available for anyone to download here.
This project is open source and you are free to create pull requests on the project repo
#580642 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project