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Eric Portapotty
Any way to access the old old site archive though? I know it was already broken the 1st time the layout changed so I'm guessing it'll be even more broken by now
Is this something that can be updated?
Disregard the above msg, I found a post from Mons stating that the guys are aware of the Database issue.
Does this page not work for you?
Can you provide some details on which profiles don't appear?
Can you give us some info on which page(s) you're referring to? This way we can tell if it's intentional or an oversight and what can be done to resolve it.
For all those who are expressing their disappointment at the new site layout, I appreciate the resistance to change. But I've been around long enough to remember a similar if not greater reaction when the previous site change came about, and I think we all agreed it served us well. I'm positive this'll be a similar step forward, and it'll only be a big step forward if we point out any issues identified in a constructive manner and help Footygamer by giving him constructive feedback on what can be improved/is missing/is unintuitive etc. I've created a thread here for users to provide info in a single location. Saying "I don't like it" serves very little purpose at this stage. Saying "I don't like the layout in Section X because Item Y isn't clearly visible" is much more likely to result in changes to improve your browsing and forumming experience.
I doubt it. I'm sure Rob will address it as soon as he wakes up 😉
Is there a way to restore (if you want and can) the previous version?
to say if I want to find out the ID of any club NOW where should I look?
before I used here https://sortitoutsi.net/search/database?q=&game_id=11&type=team
Mons edit: Answer provided via PM
they have been disabled from the menu bar mate but we can add them still if we wish 😍😁😉👍
Not all of them though 😢
: doh : give :doh:
: yay : gives :raising_hands:
: cheers : gives 🍻
: yes : gives :ok_hand:
yes mate
looks like if you are quoted there is no notification as we had before
i have sorted them done. 🙂 im happy now 😀
For example for the name "de Jong" ( https://sortitoutsi.net/search/database?search=de+jong&type=person ), we will find a lot of Korean players (Jong-Ho, Jong-Min ...), a lot of players with Jong in their name (Jongbloets, Jongepier ...) in the middle of the "real" de Jong players (Frenkie de Jong & Luuk de Jong are on the fifth page for example).
I think the search for players would be more practical if we could filter by relevance and not by Unique ID.
And sometimes, the database remove a part of the name ... For exemple, I search Andreas Skov Olsen. ( https://sortitoutsi.net/search/database?search=Andreas+Skov+Olsen&type=person ). I couldn't find it on the list. Then by clicking at random on some name, I ended up finding it. His name is "Andreas Olsen" in the database search ... It's like saying Trent Arnold for Trent Alexander-Arnold, it just doesn't make sense.
But when we click on the player ( https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager/person/27128912/andreas-olsen ), the name is correct for the FM20 database (the database displays the values of the oldest FM).
That's a great suggestion and I'd encourage you to copy your post to this thread, where we're reporting any issues/improvements, so Mons can add it to that "to-do list" and there'll be an higher chance it'll get addressed. 😉
Great job.
mate you are entitled to your opinion, but the irony is you never posted on the old site...you have done so twice on the new one 😉
Do you mean the pre FM2012 stuff?
Can you screenshot what you mean? The search is almost identical to the old site:
The old version also contains the Referee Faces in the pack which not include in the new searching database.
Many thanks to the planning and maintaining of the new forum, but please can still keep some Great old functions of the old version forum.
Best regards
Sure, it's a bit of a decovery all over, but if you get into it..
Apart from a few adjustments this is a good improvement.
Whiners who only bother posting when they can't find sth easily.....
Grow up.
Sorry, I didn't see this response earlier. Difficult to show, but I've tried:
On the old site, there were forums on the front page for skins, faces, kits, logos, other. Now there is one for skins, one for a particular style of faces, one for a particular style of logos, 5 for particular styles of kits, one for a particular style of background, and then one for other, which includes all the other kits, logos, faces, some skinning stuff, and all the miscellaneous that was previously in "other". The screenshot on the right of the image shows the posts currently in the new "other" folder, to hopefully show how jumbled (IMO) it is.
I can't show a comparison but on the old site it was much easier and made more sense to have all the kits in one place, all the logos in one place, all the faces in one place etc.
Thanks 🙂
This is dreadful. Basically like you haven't figured out why people liked using the old site, but somebody told you to "freshen it up". Basic functionality lost, links messed up, search not working. You name it.
good luck for the future
Latrell yard man
Good work all the same.
Very frustrating. Don't fix what isn't broken guys
Valentine PT
P.S. For guys who search for cutouts, go to google images.