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Side Splitting Pass
Not a massive problem....and might be a sneaky ploy by mons to stop me requesting so much 🙂
The lack of notification when a post you make is quoted was in there already, and I've now also added the fact you don't get one when a request is approved. I suspect it might be related to the fact that the ability to tag users using @ is currently unavailable.
If it had crossed my mind, I'd have requested it as a feature way back in the day :face_with_tongue:
I'm also not keen on the column before it. I know we want to advertise the shop but can that not be moved to part of the header and the option to minimise the rest of that column to the right?
another thing I cant click on your image there to make it bigger
this is what thread looks like for me using windows 10 on PC and google chrome
are you on android ?
Workaround for now would be right click -> open image in new tab, if need be.
Weird, you don't have the column on the left either then?
I'm also using Chrome and Windows 10 on PC...
I'm so used to this info being the other way around!
yes agree with that I am glad its not just me that found that odd☺
100%. Maybe it is screen resolution? What's yours at? Mine is 1980 x 1020.
When searching in a thread, if the results are more than one page and you try to navigate to another page of those search results, it takes you back to the blank search in thread option again. So you can only see the first page of results.
For example, I went into SS Kit thread and searched "kit" - obviously I get pages of results but if I try to navigate past the first it takes me back to the blank search option.
same mate
Just to confirm I have the same, also running 1980x1020, Chrome on Windows 10. Not an issue for me, but obviously it would open up more space on the forum if the blank space was not there.
Regards, Mateee
For example here, in the Submissions Queue filtered with only source pending images, you can see that Emanuel Egbo is shown as a pending request, but if you click on it, you can see that the request was actually already done and marked as approved. The same is happening for other pending requests too.
I've noticed, that you can press (or "have to" - it depends xD) "working on" for every single image of the teampack or is this feature only for old requests?
Maybe cutter should take fullpack on one click?
Also, source images are there shown as "approved" while they neither are taken or cut.
Here it is: http://prntscr.com/vdxm0e
Request as example: https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/submissions/collection/4152
Side Splitting Pass
mons I know this is marked as fixed but it isn't. I just tried to upload the same pack as yesterday and got the same error (as below).
Oops! An Error Occurred
The server returned a "413 Payload Too Large".
Had to move this thread from the data update thread, to FM stories however when I went to do it in admin page it was already showing as being in the stories forum it even though it wasnt
Had to do this yesterday for another thread too
so just to clarify it looks like if a user selects FM stories for their new thread, the thread ends up in data update thread instead
An ability to to "mark all as read" for a specific forum/subforun - currently the only way I can see to do this is to mark the entire site as read?
Ability to sort cutout requests by date requested, date completed, most recent comments as in the old site design
Differentiate a comment replies and cutout requests - currently every cutout request regardless of comments is labelled as "User replied 1 day ago" e.g. https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/wXTv9QzbXy7EEmiQukkzteFLqnOV37RGwZYuDNd9.png
Add an icon to show if there's a new comment since you last viewed that request page (e.g. the old site had the number of comments highlighted in a green box if there was a new comment)
If your request/report hasn't been gotten to yet please be patient more work will continue over the weekend 🙂
That shouldn't be happening.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to replicate your experience yet in order to figure out how to fix it.
Could you possibly experiment with dragging the edges of the browser window to resize it and see what effect it has. As it gets narrower it should automatically resize all the way to mobile sizes.
I'm not saying that's a "fix" it just might provide an indication as to why it's happening.
If you find an exact size the problem occurs could you visit this webpage and tell me the exact dimensions of your browser window at the time: http://howbigismybrowser.com/