FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
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Prediction League
Fantasy Football
Here's a complete list of all the league expansions that are available on sortitoutsi for Football Manager 2023. These files let you make more leagues playable in FM23.
We need help keep this list up to date, if you would like to help please apply for a role as a moderator.
Multi Nation Megapacks
Below you will find a list of megapacks that contain expansions for multiple leagues and nations.
Expand 25 nations with realistic rules and structure
You can download DaveTheEditor's Around the Globe Leagues Megapack to expand 25 different nations in FM23. It includes the following nations:
Albania - (D3)
Andorra - (D2)
Armenia - (D2)
Azerbaijan - (D2)
Bosnia and Herzegovina - (D2)
Cyprus - (D3)
Estonia - (D3)
Faroe Islands - (D3)
Georgia - (D3)
Gibraltar - (D2)
Kazakhstan - (D2)
Kosovo - (D2)
Latvia - (D3)
Lithuania - (D2)
Luxembourg - (D3)
Malta - (D2)
Moldova (D3)
Montenegro - (D2)
North Macedonia - (D3)
San Marino - (D1)
South America
Bolivia - (D2)
Ecuador - (D2)
Paraguay - (D2)
Peru - (D2)
Venezuela - (D2)
255 New Leagues (Unrealistic)
You could also try the FM23 Playable Leagues Megapack by @falsobohemio the leagues in this megapack. Although this is the biggest megapack available, the rules and structure of the leagues does not accurately reflect real life. It can still be fun to play in a new exotic place though.
I have not listed all nations here, check the link for that info.
Realism Megapack
One of the most popular files for Football Manager is Dave's Increase Realism Megapack, which adds tons of minor adjustments to things like finances, average attendances, weather, transfer preferences etc
Individual Playable Leagues and Nations
African International Cups - Add International Cups from Africa to FM23
Bosnia - Unlock the first 2 tiers from Bosnia in FM23
Chile - Play the complete structure of Chile
Chile - Another file adding the complete structure of Chile
Cyprus - Adds the 3rd division to Cyprus in FM23
Greece - Lower divisions to level 5
Egypt - Add Egypt as a playable nation in FM23
Faroe Islands - Make the Faroe Islands playable down to Div 4
Macedonia - Unlock the first 2 tiers from Macedonia in FM23
Montenegro - Unlock the first 2 tiers in Montenegro in FM23
Poland - Add the Poland divisions down to level 4
Qatar - Make the Qatar league playable in FM23
San Marino - Adds San Marino as a playable nation in FM23
Saudi Arabia - This file makes Saudi Arabia playable in FM23
Serbia - Add extra Serbian leagues down to the 3rd tier
Serbia - Add extra Serbian leagues down to the 4th tier
UAE - Make leagues in the UAE playable in FM23
Ukraine - Adds the 3rd tier to Ukraine in FM23
Competition Format Changes
Hong Kong Fix - This file fixes the rules for Hong Kong in FM23
No more foreigners limits - This file will remove all the rules and limits on the number of foreign players allowed in different competitions.
No new UEFA competitions format - This file will undo the changes UEFA are planning for the Champions League and Europa League in 2024 and revert it to the original format we're all used to.
Turkey: No more rules - This file will remove all squad registration rules in Turkey
World Cup 32 teams - This will reset the World Cup back to 32 teams
Fantasy Competitions
These are entire leagues you can play in that don't reflect real life, either by adding fake but realistic teams (Australia, Romania) or otherwise just being entirely made up
Australia (Fantasy) - Adds a new fictional structure to Australia from A-League to E-League
Balkan League (Fantasy) - Top two teams from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, The Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia compete in a tournament.
Belgium Dutch Merger (Fantasy) - This database merges the Dutch and Belgium football pyramids
British Royal League (Fantasy) - The British Royal League takes the four best-placed teams in the football leagues of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. It runs from July to April.
Celtic and Rangers in England (Fantasy): This file will add Celtic and Rangers to the Premier League expanding the number of teams in the PL to 22.
Columbia 3rd Division (Fantasy) - This file adds a fictional 3rd division to Columbia
CONMEBOL and CONCACAF union - This file combines CONMEBOL and CONCACAF with a format similar to UEFA competitions
European Competitions 1980's - This file edits the European Competitions to reflect how they looked into the 1980's
Greece (Fantasy) - A new fictional structure for the Greek leagues
Italy (Fantasy) - This will reboot the Italian leagues with a fictional system aimed at making it fairer, with fairer spread of tv and prize money
Nueva AndalucÃa (Fantasy) - This is a completely fictional nation called Nueva AndalucÃa with 174 teams spread across 5 nations
Romania (Fantasy) - Romania rebuilt with fictional 4 tier system
Scandinavian Royal League (Fantasy) - Mini tournament featuring the best teams from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland and Faroe Islands
Visegrad Alliance League (Fantasy) - Mini tournament between teams from Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia
Ultimate 227 team 20 month World Cup (Fantasy) - This file converts the World Cup into a 20 month long 227 team tournament
USA + Canada (Fantasy) - Fictional 10 tiers for USA for 4 tiers for Canada
Yugoslavia (Fantasy) - This file adds the former nation of Country of Yugoslavia as a playable nation with 7 tiers
Fantasy Super Cups
Fantasy Super Cups are a way to add something fun to the game without drastically altering the game world. Similar to the Community Shield in England, Super Cups occur between the winners of two other competitions.
Anglo England vs Scottish Super Cups (Fantasy) - A fictional super cup where the winners of the English and Scottish Premierships play each other as well as the winners of the England and Scottish Cups.
Intercontinental Cups - Super Cups between the winners of the major continental competitions such as Champions League, Copa Libertadores and CONCACAF Champions League
Muratti Vase - Annual competition between Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney.
Fantastic List - thank You!
i think the most of us use the two Parts:
DaveTheEditor's Around the Globe Leagues Megapack
Dave's Increase Realism Megapack,
very interesting to check, which realistic Files are compatible to these two Parts. I will check and try.
Thanks again, for that List! Greetings.
Hi @Footygamer !
I've tried to expand Hungarian league with playable third division, and real rules, but it's a little difficult for me 😢
Promotion and relegation will change 2 times in the next 2 years. After 22/23 and one more after the 23/24 season.
Can You help with this database change, if i send You the rules?
Kiril Bonev
Thanks but..Damn, Bulgaria is not a part of the Balkan league pack? Guess nobody likes us
Actually, that database only pretends to be a Balkan tournament - ex-Yugoslavia plus Albania
(missing except Bulgaria, also Romania, Greece and Turkey)
Saudações, quero criar uma libertadores na américa do sul nos moldes da champions, com premiações generosas e o sistema de ranking de de paÃses e clubes que influenciam nas vagas de cada paÃs, tenho alguma experiência no editor, mas não consigo criar essa liga. Alguém pode me passar um tutorial ou indicar um?
Can someone please do the German league system to maybe the 5th tier? Or fix what i think is a bug in the Canadian league where there is no prize money at all at the end of the season no matter how high you finish?
Ad Hu
There is a German file down to 6th tier. look at german sites ;-)
The albanian, kosovan and north macedonian files dont work. It says its not compatible with database version23.4.0.
I have FM2023 via Epic Games and i can't download the Gibraltar League through Steam. Where can i find the fmf file for the Gibraltar League, or does anyone have it that can share?
The Modelcitizen
Thanks for including my files! Will upload Iran as well
Try Timo's or Qwert2's league megapack(version 23.0.0)
Aroder foydass
Hii, will there be update on Fm24
Joseph Newton
Has anyone ever managed to do one where Scottish teams play in The FA Cup and or English League Cup?
That would make playing as Rangers or Celtic much less stale
Hi is this going to be updated for FM24 or will this file work?
Furkan Çatanaoğlu
Turkey TFF 3.lig Pls
Furkan Çatanaoğlu
Pls Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus league should be added
Hi, Im curious to know if I can apply these files to fm24?
I tried this and I can say that the Albania file didnt work because of some changes in second division or something. Which means, this isnt applicable to FM24. I have, however, used this in fm23.
Roberto Coppola
We look forward to the FM 24 version 🙂
thank you for the effort you put into it
When will it be released??
Roberto Coppola
Thank you for the effort you put into it
We look forward to the FM 24 version
When will it be released??